Haku löysi 2 tulosta

Kirjoittaja kwoster
09.09.2024 21:44
Keskustelualue: Archives
Aihe: Military Records Kerklax/Tornio
Vastaukset: 4
Luettu: 4097

Re: Military Records Kerklax/Tornio

Thank you all especially Birgit for the links to the relevant records!
Kirjoittaja kwoster
19.06.2024 03:01
Keskustelualue: Archives
Aihe: Military Records Kerklax/Tornio
Vastaukset: 4
Luettu: 4097

Military Records Kerklax/Tornio

I have an ancestor Named Henrik Andersson Stormhatt (Latikka) that was born in Nurmo on 11 Oct 1767, is listed as a soldier in Kerklax beginning in 1796 having moved from Isokyrö. His final communion record in Kerklax then lists his death in Tornio on 27 Jan 1809. My understanding is that much of fi...