Haku löysi 552 tulosta

Kirjoittaja Katie
07.08.2018 00:30
Keskustelualue: Genealogy
Aihe: birth record Hanna Alina Maunumäki b.1889
Vastaukset: 2
Luettu: 5827

birth record Hanna Alina Maunumäki b.1889

http://www.sukuhistoria.fi/sshy/sivut_eng/jasenille/paikat.php?bid=17834&pnum=37 Above link is the birth record for the above person who was born in Lohtaja on 28 Dec 1889. I would appreciate if you could translate and list the father, the mother, and who else is on Hanna's birth record. I have been...
Kirjoittaja Katie
06.08.2018 14:12
Keskustelualue: Genealogy
Aihe: Anna Lisa Henrikdr Haukka line 327 death entry
Vastaukset: 6
Luettu: 12006

Re: Anna Lisa Henrikdr Haukka line 327 death entry

Thank you for getting back to me. So it's a local government agency that provides funds to the low income.
Again thank you and have a nice week.
Kirjoittaja Katie
05.08.2018 21:25
Keskustelualue: Genealogy
Aihe: Anna Lisa Henrikdr Haukka line 327 death entry
Vastaukset: 6
Luettu: 12006

Re: Anna Lisa Henrikdr Haukka line 327 death entry

what does Kukkopurolta - from Kukkopuro mean and how would the Haukka farm in Pehro relate to those 2 words. Sorry, I'm not too smart in coming up with a conclusion.
Thank You
Kirjoittaja Katie
05.08.2018 19:33
Keskustelualue: Genealogy
Aihe: Anna Lisa Henrikdr Haukka line 327 death entry
Vastaukset: 6
Luettu: 12006

Anna Lisa Henrikdr Haukka line 327 death entry

Here is the link to the above original death entry. It's about the 6th name from the bottom of the page labeled line 327. I would like the translation of the 2 words before her name and the word after her name and on the continuation page the word that I believe begins with the letter 'v'. She may h...
Kirjoittaja Katie
01.08.2018 18:39
Keskustelualue: Genealogy
Aihe: Amanda Sofia born 01 Oct 1880 Lahtaja,FI
Vastaukset: 9
Luettu: 10804

Re: Amanda Sofia born 01 Oct 1880 Lahtaja,FI

OK Jani Now we can get somewhere and I thank you so much for taking the time to put us back on track. This is going to be very helpful and lucky for us we don't have anything in Ancestry and can start with a blank slate. Amanda is my Aunt's (by marriage) mother. Thanks again and have a great weekend...
Kirjoittaja Katie
01.08.2018 02:59
Keskustelualue: Genealogy
Aihe: Amanda Sofia born 01 Oct 1880 Lahtaja,FI
Vastaukset: 9
Luettu: 10804

Re: Amanda Sofia born 01 Oct 1880 Lahtaja,FI

Jani - can you help us. My cousin and I are working on this Amanda Sofia issue and we found earlier an Amanda Katharina born Oct 1881 then up pops this Amanda from 1880. So to verify just a little further can you locate the person Amanda's mother married in a communion book? Would there be a father/...
Kirjoittaja Katie
01.08.2018 01:50
Keskustelualue: Genealogy
Aihe: Amanda Sofia born 01 Oct 1880 Lahtaja,FI
Vastaukset: 9
Luettu: 10804

Re: Amanda Sofia born 01 Oct 1880 Lahtaja,FI

Thank you everyone. I mean it. I did not expect that but am glad to have the correct information.
Thank you again.
Kirjoittaja Katie
31.07.2018 22:26
Keskustelualue: Genealogy
Aihe: Amanda Sofia born 01 Oct 1880 Lahtaja,FI
Vastaukset: 9
Luettu: 10804

Amanda Sofia born 01 Oct 1880 Lahtaja,FI

Could someone please translate the birth record of the above name at the link I have provided.
http://www.sukuhistoria.fi/sshy/sivut_e ... 3&pnum=110

It is the right side page last entry. I would appreciate the names of the parents.
Thank You
Kirjoittaja Katie
31.07.2018 20:07
Keskustelualue: Genealogy
Aihe: Birth record Amanda Katharina -04 OCT 1881 Lupua,FI
Vastaukset: 4
Luettu: 7557

Re: Birth record Amanda Katharina -04 OCT 1881 Lupua,FI

That's exactly what I'm doing. That's why I use phpBB for my verifcation when I can not understand something and FFHA.
Thanks for your help.
Kirjoittaja Katie
31.07.2018 15:19
Keskustelualue: Genealogy
Aihe: Birth record Amanda Katharina -04 OCT 1881 Lupua,FI
Vastaukset: 4
Luettu: 7557

Re: Birth record Amanda Katharina -04 OCT 1881 Lupua,FI

Thank you for getting back to me so quickly. We'll ignore the Maunumäki name. Regarding the initial request of Amanda. Here is the link to the communion book that lists her family and we should start using Salo as last name. Correct? http://www.sukuhistoria.fi/sshy/sivut_eng/jasenille/paikat.php?bid...
Kirjoittaja Katie
31.07.2018 02:22
Keskustelualue: Genealogy
Aihe: Birth record Amanda Katharina -04 OCT 1881 Lupua,FI
Vastaukset: 4
Luettu: 7557

Birth record Amanda Katharina -04 OCT 1881 Lupua,FI

I am trying to locate the birth entry for the above lady. The first link is to a Hiski record and the 2nd link goes to the October FFHA original entry on that date. Note she was born in October and christened 06 Nov 1881. About the only thing I found was the birth date of 04 Oct 1881 (first entry on...
Kirjoittaja Katie
27.07.2018 18:00
Keskustelualue: Genealogy
Aihe: Walborg Räisänen birth entry 09 Jan 1709 Kemijärvi
Vastaukset: 5
Luettu: 7552

Re: Walborg Räisänen birth entry 09 Jan 1709 Kemijärvi

Walborg is my 5th ggmother and I have that lineage pretty much verified. I am in the process of looking at all my Hiski records (I use them to get the place and dates of a person so that I can go to the orig records. Sometimes I find something hard to read and that's when you nice people help me out...
Kirjoittaja Katie
27.07.2018 16:12
Keskustelualue: Genealogy
Aihe: Walborg Räisänen birth entry 09 Jan 1709 Kemijärvi
Vastaukset: 5
Luettu: 7552

Re: Walborg Räisänen birth entry 09 Jan 1709 Kemijärvi

It is hard to read. I originally found the record in Hiski then went back to this original. Should I assume it's Walborg?The man she married was born in 1706 so they are of close age
Kirjoittaja Katie
27.07.2018 03:04
Keskustelualue: Genealogy
Aihe: Walborg Räisänen birth entry 09 Jan 1709 Kemijärvi
Vastaukset: 5
Luettu: 7552

Walborg Räisänen birth entry 09 Jan 1709 Kemijärvi

Can I have a translation of the above person's birth entry. I show her parents as Michel Räisänen and Brita Luusua. I am familiar where the baby's name is centered above the record then below it shows the parents name etc. But Walborg's name is the lower right of the record. The birth entry is enter...
Kirjoittaja Katie
04.07.2018 00:03
Keskustelualue: Genealogy
Aihe: cause of death of babies.
Vastaukset: 2
Luettu: 6870

Re: cause of death of babies.

Thank you Tuula for getting back to me. Your answer was an eye opener to say the least and of course medical training wasn't the best either.
Thanks again.