Pulju burials

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Viestit: 558
Liittynyt: 31.03.2011 07:09

Pulju burials

Viesti Kirjoittaja Katie » 09.03.2015 01:17

I have a cousin and his wife that will be visiting Finland in May and while there they would like to visit the burial site of our great-great grandparents and pay their respects and take some photos of the graves.
Can you get me information about the area they would possibly have been buried. A name of a local cemetery of the time, or a local historical society that may have burial information for the area. Perhaps they can visit the offices to access the actual burial records.
Here is what I have:
Hannu Josefsson Pulju ; b. 26Oct1822 Sodankylä, Lappi, FI; D: 19Jan1890 Simo, Lappi, FI
Liisa Caisa Larsdtr Töyräs; b.08Mar1835 Rovaniemi, Lappi, FI; D:05 Mar1878 Simo, Lappi, FI

There were a number of their children that died as infants and those that grew to adulthood immigrated to America except for one of the older sons: Hannu Vilhelmi (Hans Wilhelm) Kupunen-Pulju; b.3Oct1864 D: 06Mar1903 Simo, Lappi, FI
I assume this son may have made the burial arrangements, but at the time Hannu (SR) was married to his 2nd wife and I believe she may have been alive then and made arrangements for burial. Her name was Anna Sanaksenaho; b: 13Dec1856 D: ? She was born and married in Simo, Lappi, FI.
One last request. Are there any Finnish websites that are similar to the Find A Grave website we have in this country?

Viestit: 651
Liittynyt: 07.09.2014 17:23
Paikkakunta: Porvoo

Re: Pulju burials

Viesti Kirjoittaja tuulacu » 09.03.2015 12:31


The parishes that exist now (they have changed over the years; merged mostly) you will find here:
http://evl.fi/EVLKuvailutiedot.nsf/Yhte ... =1&lang=FI
- and in at least bigger towns, they have several cemeteries.

But Simo is not such a big town.
Simon seurakunta: http://www.simo.seurakunta.net/
Every parish (cemetery office) has lists of the graves but it may vary how old lists they have. And please, pay attention to the fact that graves of the 1890's you do not normally find any more, with headstones, as many of the people buried had wooden crosses only. It was only the noble or the well-to-do who had headstones. The text here http://www.simo.seurakunta.net/?organis ... ng=1&sid=6 tells that the cemetery was taken into use in 1907. Before that the deceased were buried in the eastern end of the church, in the old cemetery.

We do not have Findagrave in Finland but it is possible to find some graves here http://www.genealogia.fi/haudat/ but Simo does not seem to be found there. There is also a group of Suomen kirkkoja ja hautausmaita (Finnish churches and cemeteries) in FB but there is nothing on Simo there either.

Tuula K

Viestit: 558
Liittynyt: 31.03.2011 07:09

Re: Pulju burials

Viesti Kirjoittaja Katie » 09.03.2015 19:58

Thank you so much, Tuula, for your quick reply. You game me some interesting information to pass on to my cousin and I know they will appreciate it. If they can't photograph a grave and they can verify the cemetery they can get photos of that.
Thanks again

Vastaa Viestiin