Brick Wall! Need ideas.

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Viestit: 1
Liittynyt: 17.11.2014 11:42

Brick Wall! Need ideas.

Viesti Kirjoittaja camille » 24.03.2015 12:55

I've been researching Sjöman Matts Andersson Ylin for many years. The earliest record I'm able to find is his marriage record in 1812 in Kokkolan:

Afterwards, I have successfully found him in communion books up until his death. The birth date is always the same: 24 - 12- 1781.

I also have some moving-in records for both him and his wife (Lohtaja):

In a couple communion books and the migration record it says he was born in Pyhäjoki. There is no record of a Matts Andersson born on or around this date in Pyhäjoki. I have looked at all the pluasible Matts Andersson's in Pyhäjoki in case the birthdate was off. They all end up dead or married and with other families. I've also looked in Merijärvi which used to be a part of Pyhäjoki. nothing. I've also searched in surrounding parishes. I've tracked the godparents of his children hoping someone would be family. They are not as far as I can tell.

I can understand a birth record not being recorded or online but ALL the communion records between 1781 and 1812? Hiski has nothing.

He is married in July 1812 in Kokkolan and his first son is born 2 months later. His wife moves into Kokkolan (alone) from Lohtaja in May 1812. I don't know what to think of all this. I don't know where else to look.

Any ideas?

Viestit: 108
Liittynyt: 16.12.2010 11:04

Re: Brick Wall! Need ideas.

Viesti Kirjoittaja Timo » 24.03.2015 17:39

In Kokkola communion book 1813-1819 N:o 2 they can be found pretty easily in the alphabetized list of tenants (including sjömen, seamen): ... ay2=121903.

I could not find them in the alphabetical section of communion book 1806-1812 N:o 1. Brita can be found as a servant in communion book 1806-1812 N:o 2: ... ay2=122040. As is unfortunately common in older communion books, there is no record of where she came from or where she went to.

I think the next step would be to browse through communion book 1806-1812 searching for Matts. I guess if he came to Kokkola not long before 1813, it is possible he wasn’t recorded in the communion book 1806-1812. In that case, the previous record of him should be found in the list of people who moved to and from the parish. Although some of the church records were separate for the city of Kokkola, the move-lists for this period are found in the books of the parish of Kokkola: ... ay2=122199. That book is somewhat hard to browse, as starting from 1811 the city and parish have separate headings, and those alternate in an unpredictable fashion – even the usual left-right-page rule doesn't always hold here.

Viestit: 96
Liittynyt: 05.04.2015 21:17

Re: Brick Wall! Need ideas.

Viesti Kirjoittaja Kuriver » 13.04.2015 17:10

Did you also try Pyhäjärvi, Kärsämäki, Haapavesi and Oulainen? Apart from Merijärvi they all were part of Pyhäjoki until late 19th century but still seem to have their own 18th century "kirkonkirjat"/church records in the in HISKI.

Vastaa Viestiin