I found the birth record for my great-great-great-great-grandmother Beata Qveflander (Dec. 11 1753, Qvevlax, Finland). I can make out her mother's first name, Margareta, but not the rest. I would appreciate any help on this.
Also, what are all the names after the parents and baby? Godparents? Other relatives?
This record is here:
http://en.digihakemisto.appspot.com/edi ... ay2=114682
Thanks so much!
need help deciphering birth record
Re: need help deciphering birth record
Link is broken
Here's the link to original in the digital archives: http://digi.narc.fi/digi/view.ka?kuid=7097536
Something like this:
Qveflander Isach Johanssons och Margareta
Mattsdåtters barn Beata
fadd: Bond: Johan Jacobsson i Qveflax
B: Gabriel Gabrielsson ibid, Bond son
Johan Gabrielsson ibid, Bond hust Lisa
Erichsdr ibid, Bond hust: Beata Eliadr ibid
Bond dått: Beata Johansdr ibid af
Hr: Mag: Fontel hemma i gård
fadd (<faddrar) = godparents, all seem to be from Qveflax village. The last line tells the name of baptizer.
Here's the link to original in the digital archives: http://digi.narc.fi/digi/view.ka?kuid=7097536
Something like this:
Qveflander Isach Johanssons och Margareta
Mattsdåtters barn Beata
fadd: Bond: Johan Jacobsson i Qveflax
B: Gabriel Gabrielsson ibid, Bond son
Johan Gabrielsson ibid, Bond hust Lisa
Erichsdr ibid, Bond hust: Beata Eliadr ibid
Bond dått: Beata Johansdr ibid af
Hr: Mag: Fontel hemma i gård
fadd (<faddrar) = godparents, all seem to be from Qveflax village. The last line tells the name of baptizer.
Re: need help deciphering birth record
Thanks so much Jaska. I have been trying to sort out the Kommunion records from Kveflax to establish more family tree but it's hard to figure out relations between names since birth dates are often missing and many pages are hard to read (too dark). But at least I have Isach now.