Looking for birth information Hilda Taavitsainen August 30, 1873

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Viestit: 2
Liittynyt: 30.04.2019 19:07

Looking for birth information Hilda Taavitsainen August 30, 1873

Viesti Kirjoittaja cocopaso12 » 30.04.2019 21:31

I am trying to secure more information about Hilda Taavitsainen specifically where she was born and the names of her parents. She is shown as the mother of Anna Maria born the 11th of October 1895 in Helsinki. Hilda is married to Herman Viktor Palenius. The family moves to Stockholm, Sweden in 1903 to the Finnish parish. In that record, it shows her (Hilda) birth date as the 30th of August 1873 in Finland. The family moves to North America in 1903. It appears that Herman goes by himself, Hilda leaves with three children and Anna Maria travels with a person named, Hilda Berglund. On the Ellis Island record it shows Anna Maria (Annie) as a cousin to Hilda Berglund. We are trying to find the exact relationship between Anna Maria and Hilda Berglund.

Viestit: 495
Liittynyt: 25.04.2013 18:58

Re: Looking for birth information Hilda Taavitsainen August 30, 1873

Viesti Kirjoittaja poola » 04.05.2019 19:41

It is very difficult to try to prove Hilda and Anna Maria to be cousins. The information you provide about Hilda Berglund is very limited. He can be related to either Herman Viktor Palenius or Hilda Taavitsainen.

Links to Hilda Taavitsainen's birth data

https://www.sukuhistoria.fi/sshy/sivut/ ... 6&pnum=112
Hilda was born 31.5.1873 in Pieksämäki. Father Jeremias Davidsainen (Taavitsainen) and mother Maria Tiitinen. Later, Hilda is told to be born on August 30, 1873, which is the wrong information.

https://www.sukuhistoria.fi/sshy/sivut/ ... 32&pnum=99
Father Jeremias was born on 3.4.1844 in Pieksämäki. Father is Henric Davidsainen (Taavitsainen) and mother Eva Stina Puranen.

https://www.sukuhistoria.fi/sshy/sivut/ ... 32&pnum=68
Mother Maria was born 10.5.1840 in Pieksämäki. Father's name Petter is wrong, it must have Adam Tiitinen. Mother Anna Stina Strengell

https://www.sukuhistoria.fi/sshy/sivut/ ... 8&pnum=118
The children's book, where the name Petter is corrected to Adam.

Hilda moved from Pieksamäki in 1894 to Tampere and in the same year to Helsinki.

Links to Herman Viktor Palenius birth data

https://www.sukuhistoria.fi/sshy/sivut/ ... 48&pnum=66
Herman Viktor was born 12.7.1867 in Tampere. Father Jeremias Palenius and mother Anna Josefsdotter.
(Anna is the second wife of Jeremias. The first wife's name was Mina Henrika Eriksdotter).

Father Jeremias Palenius was born 4.7.1824 in Ylöjärvi. Father Wilhelm Salomonsson and mother Lena Mattsdotter.

https://www.sukuhistoria.fi/sshy/sivut/ ... 16&pnum=27
Mother Anna Josefsdotter was born 7.5.1839 in Teisko. Father Josef Johansson and mother Anna Mattsdotter.

Jeremias moved to Helsinki in 1893 from Tampere.

Hopefully there will be some help for your research.


Viestit: 2
Liittynyt: 30.04.2019 19:07

Re: Looking for birth information Hilda Taavitsainen August 30, 1873

Viesti Kirjoittaja cocopaso12 » 04.05.2019 22:26

Thank you very much for this information. This is what I am looking. Now, I can try to connect the pieces. Again, thank you.

Best regards, Kathy Meade

Vastaa Viestiin