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Lähetetty: 05.09.2024 02:30
Kirjoittaja Lynette1
The handwriting on this page is terrible.
Could someone please translate the paragraph about Erik Eriksson Anttila on the bottom left page. I don’t need the entire paragraph translated - just a summary would be great. I think it is about paying a fine in Lappajärvi and Alajärvi but I can’t figure out why the fine is being imposed on him.
Thank you,
Lynette ... 39&pnum=72

Re: Translation

Lähetetty: 05.09.2024 10:28
Kirjoittaja Essimi
Erik Eriksson was given an authorization to represent the Kapell at a road maintenance meeting in Lappajärvi and Alajärvi parishes, to be arranged at Karvala Inn (=Gästgiveri, don’t know how to better translate) on October 15 the same year.
I think the 75 kopek was a reward for Erik to act as a representative for the village.

Re: Translation

Lähetetty: 05.09.2024 15:33
Kirjoittaja Lynette1
Thank you for the translation. I am glad he wasn’t getting another fine. My family seemed to get a lot of those. :D

In the Church meeting book from which this came, I see a lot of the farmer’s signatures on the pages. As property owners did they run the town? Were they given special privileges and power?


Re: Translation

Lähetetty: 05.09.2024 16:03
Kirjoittaja Kimpula

Äänioikeutettuja olivat manttaaliin pantua maata omistaneet ja henkilön käytössä olleiden äänien määrä oli manttaalimäärän mukainen.

Landowners paid tax and voted on the land they owned according to their mantal and the number of votes each landowner had was the same as their mantal.
People who did not own taxable land ("manttaaliin pantu maa") could not vote.

Google Translate...
Those who owned the land included in the mantal were eligible to vote, and the number of votes the person had was in accordance with the number of mantal.

Re: Translation

Lähetetty: 05.09.2024 19:42
Kirjoittaja Lynette1
Thank you again, Kimpula.