Hans Thomasson Tenno death date
Lähetetty: 11.02.2016 08:46
http://www.sukuhistoria.fi/sshy/sivut_e ... 10&pnum=16
Above is a link to a death record for the above name. It's the 2nd entry. Would you please translate after Tenno the words. I think I show his death on a Hiski record as 01 Jun 1697 or perhaps 06 Jan 1697 but now I'm not so sure. I also show on the same Hiski record the burial date of 03 Feb 1698 or 02 Mar 1698. Translating the one line will be sufficient for me.
Thank You
Above is a link to a death record for the above name. It's the 2nd entry. Would you please translate after Tenno the words. I think I show his death on a Hiski record as 01 Jun 1697 or perhaps 06 Jan 1697 but now I'm not so sure. I also show on the same Hiski record the burial date of 03 Feb 1698 or 02 Mar 1698. Translating the one line will be sufficient for me.
Thank You