translation help--again

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Viestit: 20
Liittynyt: 05.04.2016 01:41

translation help--again

Viesti Kirjoittaja ljsmedman » 11.09.2016 20:35

I am trying to figure out exactly when my great-grandmother, Maria Brun (1869-1919) came to the US. It appears that her family also immigrated in 1893. Maria remained and worked as a pigor on at least 2 different farms. She married Henrik August Ahlbeck on Sept. 8, 1888 in New York. I would appreciate a translation of the note to the right of her name. Since her marriage was in 1888, was this note added after 1896?

Also, if the whole family went to Amerika in 1893, why are there dates filled in (for taking communion?) during 1894 and 1895? Does this mean they were in Finland?

Here's the page: ... 3&pnum=541

Many thanks!

Viestit: 2497
Liittynyt: 03.11.2006 01:04
Paikkakunta: Vantaa

Re: translation help--again

Viesti Kirjoittaja JaskaS » 11.09.2016 23:11

I cannot find any note of Maria's departure. The text says that she was married in America by seaman pastor E Panelius with Henrik Aug. Ahlbäck. Then about marriage banns here in September 1887 (?).
The note 17 Jun 1893 applies to Mathilda only, the family is recorded on page 799 after 1896. ... 3&pnum=622
In next communion book: ... 4&pnum=649
Sister Ida Lovisa moves to America in 1904, Mathilda is married there in 1900.

:) Jaska

Viestit: 20
Liittynyt: 05.04.2016 01:41

Re: translation help--again

Viesti Kirjoittaja ljsmedman » 12.09.2016 20:01

If bans were issued in Finland in 1887 and Maria was married by a seaman pastor in 1888, was this an arranged marriage?

Vastaa Viestiin