Anna Pehrs dr birth date

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Viestit: 558
Liittynyt: 31.03.2011 07:09

Anna Pehrs dr birth date

Viesti Kirjoittaja Katie » 24.10.2016 07:47

In the Hiski record below it shows the birth as the year only of 1721. Below in the Original Comment a CONF: of 27/9. Could that possible by a birth or christened date of 27 Sep 1721??? And what does ALKUPKOMM mean?
Thank You
Anna Pehrsdr hiski birth date 1721.JPG
Anna Pehrsdr hiski birth date 1721.JPG (47.42 KiB) Katsottu 5010 kertaa

Viestit: 651
Liittynyt: 07.09.2014 17:23
Paikkakunta: Porvoo

Re: Anna Pehrs dr birth date

Viesti Kirjoittaja tuulacu » 24.10.2016 08:13

ALKUPKOMM has to mean "alkuperäinen, kommentti" = original, comment.

Always check the original anyhow with these. In Enontekiö births 1721
- third entry on the left, Anna
- the month comes from the previous page (Sept)
- the date comes from the second entry (Do=dito=the same); 27

Confirm is confirming, I guess the children were often christened by laymen/person working as midwife as the distances were so long from the birth home to the vicarage. You can see that it actually says "christnades" in some cases.

So you have the date!

Tuula K

Viestit: 558
Liittynyt: 31.03.2011 07:09

Re: Anna Pehrs dr birth date

Viesti Kirjoittaja Katie » 24.10.2016 19:11

Thank You Tuula, The more I looked at it the more I doubted myself and wanted an expert like you to verify it for me. Many times I have asked a question thinking I know the answer only to find out from one of the historians that I was wrong.
Thank You again and have a great week.

Vastaa Viestiin