Hello Janice!
http://www.saunalahti.fi/hirvela/histor ... 20a-k.html
http://www.saunalahti.fi/hirvela/histor ... itnew.html
http://www.saunalahti.fi/hirvela/histor ... hsivu.html
I think that these links are quite useful.
And I did not find any hints of the 1764-1766 epidemic.
And more links to look about Heickinen’s (Heikkinen) family. Some might be same than before.
Churc book, Henric (Johansson) Heickinen and wife Elin (Johansdotter) Tuuliatar [parents of Henric Henricsson Heickinen 1719 and also son Johan and his wife Margeta Heikitär, daughter Carin, sons Anders (Henric) and Lars]
Tuliala (house name)
Henric Heickinen and Elin Tuuliatar also sons Johan and Anders mentioned
20.5.1757 15.6.1757 Vuocki Elin Johsdr Tuliatar H. feb. 61, (born about 1696)
27.5.1757 15.6.1757 Vuocki Henric Johs(son) Heickinen H. feb. (78, born about 1679)
Anders Henricsson Heickinen and his family
Brother (bror) Henric Henricsson Heickinen and his first wife Elin Heikitär and second wife Elin Pöllötär (was widow when she go to married with Henric).
Son Henric 1739 and wife Brita Heikitär 1742, Henric’s sons Henricus 1762 and Jacod 1764-1766 and daughter Elin 1765
Son Olov 1742, son Johan 1744, son Lars 1747, daughter Elin 1750-1762, daughter Carin 1753 and Margareta 1753 death (död) and son Ericus 1758.
(Paltamo – married
21.9.1766 F. 341 B. Henr Henrs Heickinen Ea Elin Johsdr Pöllätär Vuocki)
N:o 23 Tuuliala
Anders Heickinen and his family
Anders daughters Brita 1756, Carin 1762
Ander’s brother Henric 1719 and second wife Elin Pöllötär 1719 (Eric 1751 and Johan 1756 from Elin’s first married with Erick Kinnunen)
Son Henric 1739 and his family
Son Olov 1742 and his family
Son Johan 1744 and Valborg Kyllötär 1751, daughter Elin 1772 and Walborg 1772
Son Lars 1747, daughter Carin 1753 and Ericus 1758
Henric Heickinen and Elin Pöllötär
Sons Henric, Olov and Johan and their families.
More Johan’s barns
Henric’s son Lars and his family
Henric’s daughters Carin and Elin and son Eric and Elin’s sons from first marriage Eric and Johan
Henric’s brother Ander’s son Johan and his family
Henric’s brother Ander’s son Anders and his family
Henric’s brother Ander’s daughter Margareta
Henric’s brother Ander’s daughters Walborg, Brita Carin and Ander’s wife Anna Härötär (mor=mother)
Hope all went right.