Walborg Räisänen birth entry 09 Jan 1709 Kemijärvi

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Viestit: 558
Liittynyt: 31.03.2011 07:09

Walborg Räisänen birth entry 09 Jan 1709 Kemijärvi

Viesti Kirjoittaja Katie » 27.07.2018 03:04

Can I have a translation of the above person's birth entry. I show her parents as Michel Räisänen and Brita Luusua. I am familiar where the baby's name is centered above the record then below it shows the parents name etc. But Walborg's name is the lower right of the record. The birth entry is entered on the right side 2nd from the bottom.

Here is the link: http://www.sukuhistoria.fi/sshy/sivut_e ... 10&pnum=14
Please advise
Thank You

Viestit: 1287
Liittynyt: 09.08.2006 00:16
Paikkakunta: San Jose

Re: Walborg Räisänen birth entry 09 Jan 1709 Kemijärvi

Viesti Kirjoittaja jani » 27.07.2018 08:37

den 9 Jan föddes Walborg Michel Räisäises barn christnades den ??? (can't make out th baptism date) Fadrar (list of witnesses, 3 male and 3 female)
On the 9th of Jan was born Walborg, child of Michel Räisäinen, baptised on ??? witnesses (godparents)

The Walborg Michelsdotter on the lower right corner is just a witness (godparent), the actual name of the child is barely legible before Michel.
----- Jani Koski -----

Viestit: 1287
Liittynyt: 09.08.2006 00:16
Paikkakunta: San Jose

Re: Walborg Räisänen birth entry 09 Jan 1709 Kemijärvi

Viesti Kirjoittaja jani » 27.07.2018 08:40

The baptism date is 31 JAN:

den 31 ljusdem, on the 31st of the same month
----- Jani Koski -----

Viestit: 558
Liittynyt: 31.03.2011 07:09

Re: Walborg Räisänen birth entry 09 Jan 1709 Kemijärvi

Viesti Kirjoittaja Katie » 27.07.2018 16:12

It is hard to read. I originally found the record in Hiski then went back to this original. Should I assume it's Walborg?The man she married was born in 1706 so they are of close age

Viestit: 1287
Liittynyt: 09.08.2006 00:16
Paikkakunta: San Jose

Re: Walborg Räisänen birth entry 09 Jan 1709 Kemijärvi

Viesti Kirjoittaja jani » 27.07.2018 16:19

Walborg is the only name that makes sense under the "inkblot", since it clearly ends in org. What happens to the baby after that I don't know.
----- Jani Koski -----

Viestit: 558
Liittynyt: 31.03.2011 07:09

Re: Walborg Räisänen birth entry 09 Jan 1709 Kemijärvi

Viesti Kirjoittaja Katie » 27.07.2018 18:00

Walborg is my 5th ggmother and I have that lineage pretty much verified. I am in the process of looking at all my Hiski records (I use them to get the place and dates of a person so that I can go to the orig records. Sometimes I find something hard to read and that's when you nice people help me out. You are the foundation for my research and I appreciate all the answers you have found for my questions. Have a nice weekend, or as I like to call them - mini vacations...

Vastaa Viestiin