How to get old farm present location.

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Viestit: 1
Liittynyt: 18.06.2018 22:47

How to get old farm present location.

Viesti Kirjoittaja rantapaa » 02.02.2024 23:05

My ancestors lived on farms located in Kotila and Lylykylä townships in Puolanka Parish. The old names do not correspond to any present place on the national finnish map Where is that information available?

Viestit: 344
Liittynyt: 23.09.2006 20:29
Paikkakunta: Helsinki

Re: How to get old farm present location.

Viesti Kirjoittaja Ilpo » 02.02.2024 23:19

Here are public Puolanka parish books. ... olanka.htm

And if you are member of SSHY (costs 17 € yearly) there in member area are more books. For example books from years 1910 - 1920.

The last book contains alphabetical list of surnames in Puolanka. ... isto_1.htm

Viestit: 441
Liittynyt: 31.01.2013 08:56

Re: How to get old farm present location.

Viesti Kirjoittaja Kimpula » 03.02.2024 23:11

I don't quite understand what do you mean, but the short answer is: nowhere.
It is not so that the "farm" (*) have stayed the same and only the name have changed.
The "farm" where your ancestor lived may have been divided to many farms which (or the whole undivided "farm") may have been combined to other "farms", or the "farm" is not a "farm" anymore.

On the other hand, if you want to know where the area of the "farm" of you ancestor would be in a modern map, first you must find a contemporary map where the "old farm" is seen, then a younger map where the area is shown and so on, until you get to the modern map.

(*) As I have written elswhere, the "farms" in old church records were not units of agriculture but units of tax collection.

Viestit: 29
Liittynyt: 03.09.2018 19:46

Re: How to get old farm present location.

Viesti Kirjoittaja HeikkiV » 04.02.2024 15:31

I understood that you want to know where townships were/are. Both Lylykylä and Kotila still exists in Puolanka, try using Google Search and type Puolanka, then open the map and look for Lylykylä and Kotila. You will find Kotila when you take road 78 from Puolanka centrum to the south, and then road 888 to the east. To find Lylykylä you take the road 800 to the north from centrum and then turn to the road east by Aittovaara. Hope this helps.

Viestit: 111
Liittynyt: 30.03.2012 13:14

Re: How to get old farm present location.

Viesti Kirjoittaja vesaaulanko » 06.02.2024 10:39

You can find more detailed information from karttapaikka (map site): ... a/?lang=en
From the home page of Maanmittauslaitos you can change the language. From page: view and download maps chose link MapSite in the first chapter.
You get a more detailed version of the map by rolling the mouse feel.

On left hand side of the map you can choose various search options. Behind the looking glass is search engine for various sites. For instance Lylykylä location is north of lake Lylyjärvi. When you roll the map into a larger version you can select above the looking glass (a heap of pages) more detailed map information. Choose there the two first options: property identifiers and cadastral boundaries. On registration numbers the two last digit groups describes the split of properties. The small number, like -8-1 , is on old property, -8-15 is split from property 8 later.

There are two Kotila places in Puolanka: Kotila village in southern parts of Puolanka north of road 888 and house Kotila in village Tuijolanvaara north east from Lylykylä.

Vastaa Viestiin