Translate birth registry for Matti Jalamari
Translate birth registry for Matti Jalamari
I have another questionable birth registry that I would appreciate a translation. We are questioning the parentage and are not sure who his birth parents are. Will you please take a look at the names on this entry. He was born on 26 Mar 1898 in Simo, Lappi.
Thank you so much
Thank you so much
- Liitteet
- Matti Jalamari birth registry.GIF (59.77 KiB) Katsottu 5681 kertaa
Re: Translate birth registry for Matti Jalamari
The links don't help me since I am unfamiliar with Finnish names and language. All I need is to have the translation of this birth registry and what the letters before the names mean.
Thank You so much.
Thank You so much.
Re: Translate birth registry for Matti Jalamari
Parents seem to be:
Forest guard Hannu Wilho (Ville) Hannunpoika Kupunen, b. 31 Oct 1864
His 2nd wife Kaisa Maria Heikintytär Huhtala, b. 27 Mar (Aug?) 1863
Marriage on 28 Jul 1895.
Forest guard Hannu Wilho (Ville) Hannunpoika Kupunen, b. 31 Oct 1864
His 2nd wife Kaisa Maria Heikintytär Huhtala, b. 27 Mar (Aug?) 1863
Marriage on 28 Jul 1895.

Re: Translate birth registry for Matti Jalamari
Vt = short for vanhemmat, parents
Kt = short for kummit, godparents
ja = and
Kupusella kastoi = Baptized at Kupunen (house) by J. Alfr. Keckman
The last one is the name of the priest or vicar.
Kt = short for kummit, godparents
ja = and
Kupusella kastoi = Baptized at Kupunen (house) by J. Alfr. Keckman
The last one is the name of the priest or vicar.
Re: Translate birth registry for Matti Jalamari
Thank you all for your help. Looking at the older handwriting, that is smudged also, I have a terrible time making out the names. You are all so good at what you do and I thank you for all your work. I'll be back, still not done with my father's linneage.