translate birth entry for jacob körckö

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Viestit: 558
Liittynyt: 31.03.2011 07:09

translate birth entry for jacob körckö

Viesti Kirjoittaja Katie » 16.06.2012 02:32

Hello, will you please translate the following birth registry for my ancestor Jacob Körckö. He was born 18 Mar 1826 in Rovaniemi. I found this record in SSHY under Births (Syntyneet) for Rovaniemi. I would like to know the names in the record and the meanings of any abreviations you may see.
Thank You
Jacob birth registry.GIF
Jacob birth registry.GIF (85.75 KiB) Katsottu 6563 kertaa

Viestit: 42
Liittynyt: 07.01.2008 16:25
Paikkakunta: Rovaniemi

Re: translate birth entry for jacob körckö

Viesti Kirjoittaja Timppa » 16.06.2012 09:05

a self (workman) Körkkö Erik and his wife Mary's children: (Jacob)
Godparents: Henry Luusua Niemi and his wife, Michel Wiiripää and wife, Jacob Takala and Stiina Tikkala Maria, was baptized in the house Wiirin

Viestit: 18
Liittynyt: 22.09.2011 16:59
Paikkakunta: Hollanti / Netherlands

Re: translate birth entry for jacob körckö

Viesti Kirjoittaja KHK » 17.06.2012 01:18

Inhyses=workman (can also be a dependant cottager, word with many meanings) Erik Körkö's and his wife Maria's child: Jacob. Teftes=godparents: Henrik Lusuaniemi, Michel Viiripää and wife, Jacob Tickala=Tikkala, Stina Maria Tickala=Tikkala på=in Vijri-Viiri (house cooled as Viiri).

Viestit: 558
Liittynyt: 31.03.2011 07:09

Re: translate birth entry for jacob körckö

Viesti Kirjoittaja Katie » 17.06.2012 03:28

Thank you both very very much for you help in the translation. It's hard for me to read text when it is very old and smudged and I am not used to the type of lettering. You are a very big help to those of us that greatly need it. Keep up the good work.
Much Appreciated

Viestit: 1287
Liittynyt: 09.08.2006 00:16
Paikkakunta: San Jose

Re: translate birth entry for jacob körckö

Viesti Kirjoittaja jani » 17.06.2012 07:48

Teftes is actually Testes, the s is sometimes written like that, you can see the same in JohansSon etc.
----- Jani Koski -----

Vastaa Viestiin