Elsa Korva birth
Lähetetty: 15.09.2011 08:19
http://www.sukuhistoria.fi/sshy/kirjat/ ... 77/163.htm
The above FFHA link shows the birth/christening of Elsa Korva born on 24 Dec 1774 and christened on 25 Dec 1774. Could you please translate her birth record. I am interested in her mother and father.
I found that her mother is listed in Hiski as Anna Abrahams dr. It looks to me that in the above link it shows a last name for Abraham. I would appreciate a translation of Elsa's entry.
Thank You
The above FFHA link shows the birth/christening of Elsa Korva born on 24 Dec 1774 and christened on 25 Dec 1774. Could you please translate her birth record. I am interested in her mother and father.
I found that her mother is listed in Hiski as Anna Abrahams dr. It looks to me that in the above link it shows a last name for Abraham. I would appreciate a translation of Elsa's entry.
Thank You