meaning of some wording in a wedding entry

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Viestit: 558
Liittynyt: 31.03.2011 07:09

meaning of some wording in a wedding entry

Viesti Kirjoittaja Katie » 02.05.2012 02:40

Please help me translate some entries in the attached marriage Hiski record. 1) Village/Farm shows pag 128. What does this mean. 2) What does the word dejan for Elin mean? 3) Please translate what the Original comment means. Perhaps you can instructi me of the correct steps to take to add an attachment. I get confused about saving a file, load a draft, save a draft, when can I hit preview to make sure the attachment is entered correctly. If I get it in once, I was lucky....
Thank You
Pehr second marriage.GIF
Pehr second marriage.GIF (57.08 KiB) Katsottu 5718 kertaa

Viestit: 275
Liittynyt: 22.03.2011 17:23

Re: meaning of some wording in a wedding entry

Viesti Kirjoittaja timotk » 02.05.2012 09:32

Pag 128 = page 128 of Ristijärvi parish, communionbook, that is : Ristijärvi rippikirja, 1854-1865, Lit. K.
See here >> ... 18/122.htm

Lit collects people who do not own a farm and thus can not be mapped to a village and farm (and are often quite mobile), using the 1st character of surname. You will find the Kähkönen in question on the said page.

Inhyses = a person with no permanent housing, living in somebody else's house in periods that could be short or long.
Karl = man, grown up male person.

Deja = cattlehouse helper, like inhyses. Hired female person. With no permanent accommodation. Sometimes it denotes unwed female companion to a man.

Viestit: 2501
Liittynyt: 03.11.2006 01:04
Paikkakunta: Vantaa

Re: meaning of some wording in a wedding entry

Viesti Kirjoittaja JaskaS » 02.05.2012 09:42

More often dejan means that she has had a child out of wedlock.

:) Jaska

Viestit: 558
Liittynyt: 31.03.2011 07:09

Re: meaning of some wording in a wedding entry

Viesti Kirjoittaja Katie » 02.05.2012 19:24

Thank you for your information. I had a hunch that the wife had a child out of wedlock. There might be an interesting story there. Thanks again.

Viestit: 275
Liittynyt: 22.03.2011 17:23

Re: meaning of some wording in a wedding entry

Viesti Kirjoittaja timotk » 02.05.2012 21:45

Some more words.

Backst. enklingen = "hillside hut" dweller, widow.
Backe = hill or hillside
Stuga (stugu in combined words) = hut, cabin, small house.
This tells that the man was not a head of a farm house (any more at least).

å Prestgården utan skrud af....
(wed) in the priest's house without festival dress (i.e. the bride was normally dressed ) by <name of the priest>

Skrud is a combination of various parts of dress, typically including a crown-like decorated headset worn by the bride.

Viestit: 558
Liittynyt: 31.03.2011 07:09

Re: meaning of some wording in a wedding entry

Viesti Kirjoittaja Katie » 03.05.2012 01:41

Thank you for the addition information about type of dress at the wedding, type of dwelling. I find it most helpful in creating a bigger picture of their life.
Thank you for your help

Vastaa Viestiin