Translate a birth record
Translate a birth record
Could you please translate the following 1880 Birth registry for Alma Hanna Aliina Pulju born on 18 Oct 1880. I do believe you will not find the name of the father here and am interested the all the names and wording AND does it look like she was Christened 21 Jan 1881?
Thank You
Thank You
- Liitteet
- FFHA Birth Entry for Alma Hanna Aliina
- Alma's birth registry.GIF (95.48 KiB) Katsottu 7156 kertaa
Re: Translate a birth record
18 [century] 21st of January 81 [year] 217 [birth number]
[Parent(s)] Farmer's daughter Maria Kaisa Ruonakoski, extramarital
female child
Alma Hanna Alina
Note please! Godparents Farmer Jaako Ruonakoski, wife [of Jaako] Sofia,
farm hand Joh. Jaako Wääräkangas, farmers' daughter Erika Ruonakoski
Baptized at Ruonakoski farm by J ? Keskinen
I am not quite sure about the numbers following the child's name.
19 could be the age of the mother.
NB does not refer to the godparents but to the extramarital status of the birth.
[Parent(s)] Farmer's daughter Maria Kaisa Ruonakoski, extramarital
female child
Alma Hanna Alina
Note please! Godparents Farmer Jaako Ruonakoski, wife [of Jaako] Sofia,
farm hand Joh. Jaako Wääräkangas, farmers' daughter Erika Ruonakoski
Baptized at Ruonakoski farm by J ? Keskinen
I am not quite sure about the numbers following the child's name.
19 could be the age of the mother.
NB does not refer to the godparents but to the extramarital status of the birth.
Re: Translate a birth record
Adding to Timo's translations.
The entire page helps deciphering the columns: ... 89&pnum=82
The first column is the birth date (18 Oct), the second the babtism date (21 Jan 1881), the third column is the page in the communion book they can be found (217): ... 5&pnum=198
After the names the 1 is in the female column, 19 is the age of the mother and the last number is the cost.
The entire page helps deciphering the columns: ... 89&pnum=82
The first column is the birth date (18 Oct), the second the babtism date (21 Jan 1881), the third column is the page in the communion book they can be found (217): ... 5&pnum=198
After the names the 1 is in the female column, 19 is the age of the mother and the last number is the cost.
----- Jani Koski -----
Re: Translate a birth record
Thank you both for your quick reply. It is going to answer and verify a lot of questions. Maria did marry the father, moved to America along with their daughter. Alma would be the only child they had, but Alma and her husband gave their parents 19 grandchildren. It all worked out in the end.
Thank you so much for your help. Have a nice weekend.
Thank you so much for your help. Have a nice weekend.
Re: Translate a birth record
I do have one question about the translation of Alma's birth. It says extramarital female child. Does this mean what I think it means, was Maria or Alma's father married to someone else. If Alma was the child of two single teenagers not married to each other would Alma's birth be classified as extramarital or illegimate?
Thank You
Thank You
Re: Translate a birth record
It could actually be either of these, but I think illegitimate is the correct term here. "Oäkta" only means that the mother was not married to the father at the time of the child's birth. It doesn't say if the father (or even the mother) was married to someone else.
Re: Translate a birth record
Thank you so much for clarifying the comment on the birth registry. I appreciate it very much