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Meaning of Kåppor
Lähetetty: 19.10.2012 23:54
Kirjoittaja Katie
In 1815 Kuhmo there seemed to have been an epidemic among young children that died from the above illness or abreviation of an illness. Will you please translate for me. I can not find a translation in my resources.
Thank You
Re: Meaning of Kåppor
Lähetetty: 20.10.2012 00:21
Kirjoittaja terttut
Koppor is "pox", it may be even smallpox but other vesicular diseases like varicella - or any other skin disease with vesicles for that matter- may also be called so. Usually there has been an epidemic and there are lots of people (children mostly) with same cause of death.
Re: Meaning of Kåppor
Lähetetty: 21.10.2012 01:52
Kirjoittaja Katie
Thank you, Terttut for translating the word in question. I thought it meant pox, but wasn't sure if it could have been smallpox, chickenpox or something else.
I appreciate your help.
Thank You