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Cause of death Watus

Lähetetty: 13.11.2012 03:58
Kirjoittaja Katie
A 7 year old ancestor of mine died in 1775 with the cause of death being Watus. Found in Hiski. I can not find a translation for that and hope you can enlighten me.
Thank You

Re: Cause of death Watus

Lähetetty: 13.11.2012 10:11
Kirjoittaja EevaH
I think we talked about vattusot (water illness) some time ago, seems to me an abbreviation of the same. It has been marked as the cause of death for all ages, though the real causes probably were different.

Re: Cause of death Watus

Lähetetty: 13.11.2012 17:58
Kirjoittaja timotk
Various causes make feet and possibly other body parts swell, and the layman's understanding for it is that water has accumulated where it should not be.

Vattusot is a description of such condition, not really a disease or illness in itself.

Re: Cause of death Watus

Lähetetty: 13.11.2012 21:02
Kirjoittaja Katie
I did not see the connection of Watus and Vattusot. So water accumulating in the body could be a form of Edema which would be a symptom of organ failure caused by endstages of a disease. How sad for a 7 year old boy. There were 3 other deaths with the same cause and they were adults. So sad for a young boy. I"ll have to make a cross-reference of Watus to Vattusot.
Thank you so much for your help. Another mystery solved.

Re: Cause of death Watus

Lähetetty: 14.11.2012 00:44
Kirjoittaja samiku
Heh... just felt funny you calling him an ancestor, even though he had died in age of 7 :)
Maybe he is more like your ancestors sibling?

Re: Cause of death Watus

Lähetetty: 14.11.2012 02:29
Kirjoittaja Katie
I suppose ancestor's child or sibling would be a better way of putting it. It is extremely rare that I have to get additional information on children and was not sure what to call them.