Ullrika Leinotar birth record translation
Lähetetty: 27.06.2013 02:03
http://www.sukuhistoria.fi/sshy/sivut/H ... 8&pnum=169
Above is the link to the birth record of Ullrika Leinotar born 06 May 1776. There is no father listed which does not need to be translated but there is a word written in her record at a diaganol and I am curious to its meaning. Her mother's name is Carin Gustafva Leinotar. Her record is page 331 5th entry with a birth in Paldamo.
Thank You
Above is the link to the birth record of Ullrika Leinotar born 06 May 1776. There is no father listed which does not need to be translated but there is a word written in her record at a diaganol and I am curious to its meaning. Her mother's name is Carin Gustafva Leinotar. Her record is page 331 5th entry with a birth in Paldamo.
Thank You