I have a old book of Varpasjärvi. On page 35 I found Juho ja Iveri Lyytinen.
Are this the the sons from Matts Lyytinen and Ingrid Ruotsalainen ( Ivar * 1765, Juho *1761)?
My wifes fahter ( he is dired before 20 years) told , these are the relatives from us.
Matts Jabobss Lyytinen
* 1722
+ 1774
Ingrid Ruotsalainen Schola Leivo
Juho (Johan)*1761
Beata Rissain Iwar Lyytinen
* 1765
,+ 07.05.1834
Anna Myckain
OO (2)
1. Wilhelm 1795
Who can help me??