Söker uppgifter om Emma Sofia Hänninen f.1864-04-26
Söker uppgifter om Emma Sofia Hänninen f.1864-04-26
Jag har genom SSHY,Hiski och Digitaarliarkisto fått fram följande.
Emma Sofia Hänninen ankom till Sulkava juni-84 (från Rsalmi-kan det vara Rantasalmi?), avreste Nov-84 för att anlända till Viborg 1884-12-17.
Hittar tyvärr inte hennes födelse-församling någonstans.
Hon gifter sig med Henrik Wilhelm Nykänen (ankomst Viborg 1882-03-11 från Haukiv.) i Viborg 1885-11-15.
Hittar ej även hans födelse-församling någonstans.
Dom får 4 barn Emma Maria 86-07-04 (min mormor),Alexander 90-01-12 ,Amanda 93-12-20 (d.94-09-22) och Uno 96-03-10.
Efter att Henrik dör 1896-12-18 gifter Emma Sofia om sig med Petter Litmanen 1900-09-30.
Sen hittar jag ett sista spår i en husförhörslängd 1898-1909 under bokstaven L=Litmanen.
(Hittar aldrig familjen i den församling som barnen var födda i).
Jag skulle vara väldigt tacksam för hjälp i första hand ang. födelse församlingen för Henrik och Emma Sofia så att jag kan fortsätta söka bakåt,
men även detaljer om min mormors syskon.
(Ps. Min mormor gjorde sen det inte lättare genom att gifta sig med en Italienare...svårt att släktforska där Ds.)
Stort Tack på förhand ,
Mikael Mengarelli
Jag har genom SSHY,Hiski och Digitaarliarkisto fått fram följande.
Emma Sofia Hänninen ankom till Sulkava juni-84 (från Rsalmi-kan det vara Rantasalmi?), avreste Nov-84 för att anlända till Viborg 1884-12-17.
Hittar tyvärr inte hennes födelse-församling någonstans.
Hon gifter sig med Henrik Wilhelm Nykänen (ankomst Viborg 1882-03-11 från Haukiv.) i Viborg 1885-11-15.
Hittar ej även hans födelse-församling någonstans.
Dom får 4 barn Emma Maria 86-07-04 (min mormor),Alexander 90-01-12 ,Amanda 93-12-20 (d.94-09-22) och Uno 96-03-10.
Efter att Henrik dör 1896-12-18 gifter Emma Sofia om sig med Petter Litmanen 1900-09-30.
Sen hittar jag ett sista spår i en husförhörslängd 1898-1909 under bokstaven L=Litmanen.
(Hittar aldrig familjen i den församling som barnen var födda i).
Jag skulle vara väldigt tacksam för hjälp i första hand ang. födelse församlingen för Henrik och Emma Sofia så att jag kan fortsätta söka bakåt,
men även detaljer om min mormors syskon.
(Ps. Min mormor gjorde sen det inte lättare genom att gifta sig med en Italienare...svårt att släktforska där Ds.)
Stort Tack på förhand ,
Mikael Mengarelli
Re: Söker uppgifter om Emma Sofia Hänninen f.1864-04-26
Emma Sofia f. 26.7.1864 Pieksämäki
http://www.sukuhistoria.fi/sshy/kirjat/ ... -20/23.htm
http://www.sukuhistoria.fi/sshy/kirjat/ ... _l/110.htm
10.10.1838 22.10.1838 Hällinmäki 22 Bd. Nils Hänninen Eva Hytönen 26 Henric
http://www.sukuhistoria.fi/sshy/kirjat/ ... 678/84.htm
Maria Sofia Höberg f. 6.10.1840 Joroinen
Wilhelm Nykänen f. 23.5.1846 Haukivuori
Syntynyt Kastettu Kylä Talo Isä Äiti Lapsi
2.3.1845 2.3.1845 Käreniemi 4 - Bd. d. Anna Lisa Nykänen 37 Henric (oä)
23.5.1846 26.6.1846 Käreniemi 4 - Bd. d. Anna Lisa Nykäin 38 Vilhelm (oä)
Henrik dog 1845, Wilhelm änkling 1871
24.6.1808 10.7.1808 Kärinjemi No 1 Bd. Adam Nykäin Lisa Nykäin Anna? Lisa
Jag kan inte svara på svenska
Aino P.
http://www.sukuhistoria.fi/sshy/kirjat/ ... -20/23.htm
http://www.sukuhistoria.fi/sshy/kirjat/ ... _l/110.htm
10.10.1838 22.10.1838 Hällinmäki 22 Bd. Nils Hänninen Eva Hytönen 26 Henric
http://www.sukuhistoria.fi/sshy/kirjat/ ... 678/84.htm
Maria Sofia Höberg f. 6.10.1840 Joroinen
Wilhelm Nykänen f. 23.5.1846 Haukivuori
Syntynyt Kastettu Kylä Talo Isä Äiti Lapsi
2.3.1845 2.3.1845 Käreniemi 4 - Bd. d. Anna Lisa Nykänen 37 Henric (oä)
23.5.1846 26.6.1846 Käreniemi 4 - Bd. d. Anna Lisa Nykäin 38 Vilhelm (oä)
Henrik dog 1845, Wilhelm änkling 1871
24.6.1808 10.7.1808 Kärinjemi No 1 Bd. Adam Nykäin Lisa Nykäin Anna? Lisa
Jag kan inte svara på svenska
Aino P.
Re: Söker uppgifter om Emma Sofia Hänninen f.1864-04-26
Hello and thank you so much for your fast reply.
Regarding Emma Sofia it is possible that a 1864-04-26 could be 1864-07-26.
But it is a clear 4 in Viipuri rippikirjat 1887-97, also comparing how they wrote a 7.
But still...it could be her.
I´m not so sure about Henrik Wilhelm Nykänen born 1846-05-08 (same rippikirjat 1887-97)
Should it not stand Leskimies when he marries Emma Sofia in 1885-11-15 if he is a widower/änkling.
http://hiski.genealogia.fi/hiski/68am4o ... ityt+11383
As it does when Emma Sofia marries Petter Litmanen.
http://hiski.genealogia.fi/hiski/68am4o ... ityt+13856
I´m very confused but thankful.
Best regards ,
Mikael Mengarellio
Regarding Emma Sofia it is possible that a 1864-04-26 could be 1864-07-26.
But it is a clear 4 in Viipuri rippikirjat 1887-97, also comparing how they wrote a 7.
But still...it could be her.
I´m not so sure about Henrik Wilhelm Nykänen born 1846-05-08 (same rippikirjat 1887-97)
Should it not stand Leskimies when he marries Emma Sofia in 1885-11-15 if he is a widower/änkling.
http://hiski.genealogia.fi/hiski/68am4o ... ityt+11383
As it does when Emma Sofia marries Petter Litmanen.
http://hiski.genealogia.fi/hiski/68am4o ... ityt+13856
I´m very confused but thankful.
Best regards ,
Mikael Mengarellio
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Re: Söker uppgifter om Emma Sofia Hänninen f.1864-04-26
It is possible that dates change when information is written from one book to another, and very easily when people moved from one parish to another and to a third. And in Emma Sofia's case the dates seem shift to and fro...
Here Emma Sofia moves out from Sulkava, number 45, and she comes from page 231:
http://www.sukuhistoria.fi/sshy/kirjat/ ... 1-2/26.htm
But this is when free Sulkava images stop - there is only Rippikirjat until 1880, unless you are a member of SSHY...
Aino is, however, quite right, and it says on page 231 that Emma Sofia Hänninen, born (these numbers written) 26.4.1864 in Pieksämäki, has come from Rantasalmi in 1884 and moves to Viipuri
http://www.sukuhistoria.fi/sshy/sivut/j ... 9&pnum=215
As to Henrik Wilhelm, Aino P was also right, as it says in this page (Viipurin msk rippikirjat 1877-86 IAa 24, page 19) that he comes from Haukivuori:
Have a nice time with Finnish ancestors! But do not trust Hiski only, check from original books - which are abundant in the net. (A good aid is, in addition to SSHY and digi.narc.fi directly, this site: http://sv.digihakemisto.appspot.com/ )
Tuula K
Here Emma Sofia moves out from Sulkava, number 45, and she comes from page 231:
http://www.sukuhistoria.fi/sshy/kirjat/ ... 1-2/26.htm
But this is when free Sulkava images stop - there is only Rippikirjat until 1880, unless you are a member of SSHY...
Aino is, however, quite right, and it says on page 231 that Emma Sofia Hänninen, born (these numbers written) 26.4.1864 in Pieksämäki, has come from Rantasalmi in 1884 and moves to Viipuri
http://www.sukuhistoria.fi/sshy/sivut/j ... 9&pnum=215
As to Henrik Wilhelm, Aino P was also right, as it says in this page (Viipurin msk rippikirjat 1877-86 IAa 24, page 19) that he comes from Haukivuori:
Have a nice time with Finnish ancestors! But do not trust Hiski only, check from original books - which are abundant in the net. (A good aid is, in addition to SSHY and digi.narc.fi directly, this site: http://sv.digihakemisto.appspot.com/ )
Tuula K
Re: Söker uppgifter om Emma Sofia Hänninen f.1864-04-26
First of all Thank you so much , both Aino and Tuula , for all your help.
I´m used to search in swedish church books which are similar to finnish but of course I don´t understand everything.
Regarding Emma Sofia I traced her back from Viborg-Sulkava to Rantasalmi and there I couldn´t go any further.
Could not and can´t (not a member of SSHY) see her connection to Pieksåmäki. (can´t get access to the link)
But I believe You !
I guess I have to become a member of SSHY to search further on.
Regarding Wilhelm Nykänen I don´understand all of this;
Wilhelm Nykänen f. 23.5.1846 Haukivuori
Syntynyt Kastettu Kylä Talo Isä Äiti Lapsi
2.3.1845 2.3.1845 Käreniemi 4 - Bd. d. Anna Lisa Nykänen 37 Henric (oä)
23.5.1846 26.6.1846 Käreniemi 4 - Bd. d. Anna Lisa Nykäin 38 Vilhelm (oä)
Henrik dog 1845, Wilhelm änkling 1871
24.6.1808 10.7.1808 Kärinjemi No 1 Bd. Adam Nykäin Lisa Nykäin Anna? Lisa
I´m just an amateur who is trying to figure out where my ancestors came from (sorry).
Thank you so much ,
Mikael Mengarelli
First of all Thank you so much , both Aino and Tuula , for all your help.
I´m used to search in swedish church books which are similar to finnish but of course I don´t understand everything.
Regarding Emma Sofia I traced her back from Viborg-Sulkava to Rantasalmi and there I couldn´t go any further.
Could not and can´t (not a member of SSHY) see her connection to Pieksåmäki. (can´t get access to the link)
But I believe You !
I guess I have to become a member of SSHY to search further on.
Regarding Wilhelm Nykänen I don´understand all of this;
Wilhelm Nykänen f. 23.5.1846 Haukivuori
Syntynyt Kastettu Kylä Talo Isä Äiti Lapsi
2.3.1845 2.3.1845 Käreniemi 4 - Bd. d. Anna Lisa Nykänen 37 Henric (oä)
23.5.1846 26.6.1846 Käreniemi 4 - Bd. d. Anna Lisa Nykäin 38 Vilhelm (oä)
Henrik dog 1845, Wilhelm änkling 1871
24.6.1808 10.7.1808 Kärinjemi No 1 Bd. Adam Nykäin Lisa Nykäin Anna? Lisa
I´m just an amateur who is trying to figure out where my ancestors came from (sorry).
Thank you so much ,
Mikael Mengarelli
Re: Söker uppgifter om Emma Sofia Hänninen f.1864-04-26
Wilhelm is illegitimate (oäkta), here he is with his mother in Lastenkirja (book of children; these are helpful in Eastern Finland):
Anna Lisa/Elisabet at the same time as she gave birth to Henrik (see "absolvering" and date)
Parents Nykänen
http://digi.narc.fi/digi/view.ka?kuid=4455273 (Rippikirja 1821-37; Usitalo, Uusi=new, a new farm?)
and in Lastenkirja 1820-39 you see the whole bunch, Anna Elisabet as the eldest:
and the original for Anna Elisabet being baptized, number 28:
Adam and Elisabet got married in 1806 (number 7); the marriages and deaths are in the same books as the baptized=syntyneet):
and there you can see where Elisabet came from - and can go on also in Pohjalax (this is easiest via Digihakemisto as there are farm names)
And do not worry about being a starter, you will learn all the time - and most of us here are amateurs, too!
Tuula K
Anna Lisa/Elisabet at the same time as she gave birth to Henrik (see "absolvering" and date)
Parents Nykänen
http://digi.narc.fi/digi/view.ka?kuid=4455273 (Rippikirja 1821-37; Usitalo, Uusi=new, a new farm?)
and in Lastenkirja 1820-39 you see the whole bunch, Anna Elisabet as the eldest:
and the original for Anna Elisabet being baptized, number 28:
Adam and Elisabet got married in 1806 (number 7); the marriages and deaths are in the same books as the baptized=syntyneet):
and there you can see where Elisabet came from - and can go on also in Pohjalax (this is easiest via Digihakemisto as there are farm names)
And do not worry about being a starter, you will learn all the time - and most of us here are amateurs, too!
Tuula K
Re: Söker uppgifter om Emma Sofia Hänninen f.1864-04-26
Wilhelm Nykänen f. 23.5.1846 Haukivuori
Syntynyt Kastettu Kylä Talo Isä Äiti Lapsi
23.5.1846 26.6.1846 Käreniemi 4 - Bd. d. Anna Lisa Nykäin 38 Vilhelm (oä)
Wilhelm Annasson Nykänen vigde 26.12.1870, hustru Anna Maria Nikulainen f. 20.4.1835 d. 10.11.1871.
http://digi.narc.fi/digi/view.ka?kuid=31098029 p. 250/286
http://digi.narc.fi/digi/view.ka?kuid=31098015 Enkling Wilhelm Nykänen p. 244/249 - p. 284/1876
http://www.sukuhistoria.fi/sshy/sivut/j ... 0&pnum=211
Till Viborg 29.11.1881 enkl = Henrik?
Emma Maria flytt. Helsinki 1904; Uno 1920 Viborg
Aleksander vigde 6.12.1914 Maria Elina Vilhelmsd. Aronen, f. 9.2.1895 Viipuri.
3 barn – Tauno – Sylvi – Maija, flytt Lappeenranta 28.3.1941.
Aleksander d. 3.4.1942, Emma Sofia d. 27.10.1928 ja Petter Litmanen d. 21.7.1925
T. Aino P.
Syntynyt Kastettu Kylä Talo Isä Äiti Lapsi
23.5.1846 26.6.1846 Käreniemi 4 - Bd. d. Anna Lisa Nykäin 38 Vilhelm (oä)
Wilhelm Annasson Nykänen vigde 26.12.1870, hustru Anna Maria Nikulainen f. 20.4.1835 d. 10.11.1871.
http://digi.narc.fi/digi/view.ka?kuid=31098029 p. 250/286
http://digi.narc.fi/digi/view.ka?kuid=31098015 Enkling Wilhelm Nykänen p. 244/249 - p. 284/1876
http://www.sukuhistoria.fi/sshy/sivut/j ... 0&pnum=211
Till Viborg 29.11.1881 enkl = Henrik?
Emma Maria flytt. Helsinki 1904; Uno 1920 Viborg
Aleksander vigde 6.12.1914 Maria Elina Vilhelmsd. Aronen, f. 9.2.1895 Viipuri.
3 barn – Tauno – Sylvi – Maija, flytt Lappeenranta 28.3.1941.
Aleksander d. 3.4.1942, Emma Sofia d. 27.10.1928 ja Petter Litmanen d. 21.7.1925
T. Aino P.
Re: Söker uppgifter om Emma Sofia Hänninen f.1864-04-26
Hello and KIITOS !
Finally Tracked every move Henrik Wilhelm , Wilhelm ,Wilhelm Annasson alias Henrik Wilhelm Nykänen has done.
And you are correct in everything !
Henrik leaves Haukivuori 29.11.1881 for Viborg.
And arrives at 11-03-1882 to Viborg,nr.41-
http://www.sukuhistoria.fi/sshy/kirjat/ ... 055/11.htm
Did Aleksander die in WW2 ?
You both have helped me so much , THANK You !
Mikael Mengarelli
Finally Tracked every move Henrik Wilhelm , Wilhelm ,Wilhelm Annasson alias Henrik Wilhelm Nykänen has done.
And you are correct in everything !
Henrik leaves Haukivuori 29.11.1881 for Viborg.
And arrives at 11-03-1882 to Viborg,nr.41-
http://www.sukuhistoria.fi/sshy/kirjat/ ... 055/11.htm
Did Aleksander die in WW2 ?
You both have helped me so much , THANK You !
Mikael Mengarelli
Re: Söker uppgifter om Emma Sofia Hänninen f.1864-04-26
Here you see the whole of Alexander's death:
Aleksander Nykänen
Seurakunta Viipurin tksrk Siviilisääty Ei pääteltävissä
Kuolinpäivä 3.4.1942 Ikä(vv/kk/vk/pp) 0/0/0/0
Hautauspäivä Yliviivaus
Asuinpaikka Lappeenranta Kuol. liittyvää Kuoli 43 Sot.sair.
Ammatti Huopatehtaantyömies Haut. liittyvää
Etunimi Aleksander Kuolinsyy
Muut etunimet Kuolinsrk
Patronyymi Hautaussrk
Sukunimi Nykänen
Syntymäaika 12.1.1890
Sukupuoli Mies
- and it says that he died in the war hospital number 43 (Joutseno) - which normally took only wounded as patients, I think.
Aleksander was rather old to be actually fighting in the front - my grandfather was exactly the same age and did not go to fight, the younger men did. I googled a little and there is information that those born in 1894 were the oldest to be called. But he may have served in another place in connection with the war and got wounded.
He was a worker in huopatehdas, felt factory. It says that there is no information on his marriage but Aino already found you his marriage...
Tuula K
Aleksander Nykänen
Seurakunta Viipurin tksrk Siviilisääty Ei pääteltävissä
Kuolinpäivä 3.4.1942 Ikä(vv/kk/vk/pp) 0/0/0/0
Hautauspäivä Yliviivaus
Asuinpaikka Lappeenranta Kuol. liittyvää Kuoli 43 Sot.sair.
Ammatti Huopatehtaantyömies Haut. liittyvää
Etunimi Aleksander Kuolinsyy
Muut etunimet Kuolinsrk
Patronyymi Hautaussrk
Sukunimi Nykänen
Syntymäaika 12.1.1890
Sukupuoli Mies
- and it says that he died in the war hospital number 43 (Joutseno) - which normally took only wounded as patients, I think.
Aleksander was rather old to be actually fighting in the front - my grandfather was exactly the same age and did not go to fight, the younger men did. I googled a little and there is information that those born in 1894 were the oldest to be called. But he may have served in another place in connection with the war and got wounded.
He was a worker in huopatehdas, felt factory. It says that there is no information on his marriage but Aino already found you his marriage...
Tuula K