Venäjälle muuttanut.

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Viestit: 18
Liittynyt: 16.09.2010 23:27

Venäjälle muuttanut.

Viesti Kirjoittaja Juones » 17.11.2017 23:14

Onko kenelläkään tietoa, mistä Mariaa voisi etsiä, kun hän on muuttanut Venäjälle. Pietarin kirjoista löysin oletettavasti oikean Marian, joka olisi avioitunut Pietarissa ja saanut ainakin 3 tytärtä. Osaako kukaan auttaa tässä asiassa ?

VII. Maria Eriksdr. s. 26.12.1863 Mäntsälä, piika, muutti 10.12.1884 Helsinkiin (29.11.1884). –Puoliso 22.5.1892 Pietari ent. sotamies Stepan Michailo W Tschisch

VIII Mahdolliset lapset:
Anna Tschischow s. St. Petsrsburg 1886-1915
Olga Tschischow s. St Petersburg 1886-1915
Elisabet Tschishow s. St Petersburg 1886-1915

Viestit: 90
Liittynyt: 15.11.2016 01:14
Paikkakunta: Pskov, Russia

Re: Venäjälle muuttanut.

Viesti Kirjoittaja Arcobaleno » 26.11.2017 19:53


I would like to help you, but I don't really understand what it was about. The Google translator translates not very good with Finnish.
You may present your question in English?...

With best wishes, Olga.
I will help you to read Russian text.
You don't have to pay for it. In return, I will ask you to decipher for me the text is in Swedish. I have many ancestors in Finland and I need help in reading old texts in Swedish. We can do a barter.
Contact me!

Viestit: 18
Liittynyt: 16.09.2010 23:27

Re: Venäjälle muuttanut.

Viesti Kirjoittaja Juones » 02.12.2017 00:33

Moved to Russia
Does anyone have any information my grandfathers aunt Maria Eriksdr. when she moved to Russia. From St. Petersburg's books I supposedly found the right Marian who had married in St. Petersburg and had at least three daughters. Can anybody help on this?

Maria Eriksdr. born 26.12.1863 Mäntsälä, maid, moved to Helsinki on 10 December 1884 (29.11.1884)., then in St Petersburg. -Husband 22.5.1892 St Petersburg, former military leader Stepan Michailo W Tschisch

VIII Possible children:
Anna Tschischow b. St. Petsrsburg 1886-1915
Olga Tschischow St. Petersburg 1886-1915
Elisabet Tschishow St. Petersburg 1886-1915

Viestit: 90
Liittynyt: 15.11.2016 01:14
Paikkakunta: Pskov, Russia

Re: Venäjälle muuttanut.

Viesti Kirjoittaja Arcobaleno » 02.12.2017 20:19

Juones kirjoitti:From St. Petersburg's books I supposedly found the right Marian who had married in St. Petersburg and had at least three daughters. Can anybody help on this?
You can put a link to the page where you found Maria in St. Petersburg?
I'll try to do something, but I need to see this page.

With best wishes, Olga.
I will help you to read Russian text.
You don't have to pay for it. In return, I will ask you to decipher for me the text is in Swedish. I have many ancestors in Finland and I need help in reading old texts in Swedish. We can do a barter.
Contact me!

Viestit: 18
Liittynyt: 16.09.2010 23:27

Re: Venäjälle muuttanut.

Viesti Kirjoittaja Juones » 03.12.2017 00:36

I found pages from phpBB where I was looking for Maria, I do not remember where I was looking, but I'm trying to find the right pages.

Thank you: Juones

Viestit: 90
Liittynyt: 15.11.2016 01:14
Paikkakunta: Pskov, Russia

Re: Venäjälle muuttanut.

Viesti Kirjoittaja Arcobaleno » 03.12.2017 21:05

Have you tried looking for his Maria Eriksdr in St. Mary's Church in St. Petersburg?
It's here: ... an+arkisto

Olga :)
I will help you to read Russian text.
You don't have to pay for it. In return, I will ask you to decipher for me the text is in Swedish. I have many ancestors in Finland and I need help in reading old texts in Swedish. We can do a barter.
Contact me!

Viestit: 651
Liittynyt: 07.09.2014 17:23
Paikkakunta: Porvoo

Re: Venäjälle muuttanut.

Viesti Kirjoittaja tuulacu » 04.12.2017 10:16

Maria and Stepan were married:

Tuula K

Viestit: 90
Liittynyt: 15.11.2016 01:14
Paikkakunta: Pskov, Russia

Re: Venäjälle muuttanut.

Viesti Kirjoittaja Arcobaleno » 04.12.2017 14:56

Since Stepan Michailow Tschisch (In Russian: Степан Михайлович Чиж) was Orthodox, to marry was in the Orthodox Church, in accordance with the Russian laws.
In the Church of St. Mary was only the announcement of the marriage.

And children were also to baptize in the Orthodox Church.
The Orthodox metric records Petersburg can be viewed online, is a paid service.
But if the Church where they married is unknown, it will be a very difficult search.

Documents on Maria Eriksdr. is still here, maybe it will be useful: (№567)

And, it seems, here: with Mary was recorded child (Fanny Maria?) born 1 Dec 1892 in St. Petersburg. Then this child was crossed out...
I will help you to read Russian text.
You don't have to pay for it. In return, I will ask you to decipher for me the text is in Swedish. I have many ancestors in Finland and I need help in reading old texts in Swedish. We can do a barter.
Contact me!

Viestit: 18
Liittynyt: 16.09.2010 23:27

Re: Venäjälle muuttanut.

Viesti Kirjoittaja Juones » 04.12.2017 23:02

These papers have Maria's birth time, which I did not find in St. Petersburg's papers before. Now it seems that Maria is right Maria. The birth time is the same as I am looking for. Great!

Thanks to both of you.

Viestit: 90
Liittynyt: 15.11.2016 01:14
Paikkakunta: Pskov, Russia

Re: Venäjälle muuttanut.

Viesti Kirjoittaja Arcobaleno » 04.12.2017 23:35

Thank you for you!
At that time, while I was looking for Maria for you, at the same time I found my ancestor in 1892, which I had been chasing for more than a year. In Russia there is a saying: "you never know where you will be able to find and where you lose".

I found, thanks again!
With best wishes, Olga.
I will help you to read Russian text.
You don't have to pay for it. In return, I will ask you to decipher for me the text is in Swedish. I have many ancestors in Finland and I need help in reading old texts in Swedish. We can do a barter.
Contact me!

Viestit: 18
Liittynyt: 16.09.2010 23:27

Re: Venäjälle muuttanut.

Viesti Kirjoittaja Juones » 01.01.2018 21:55

Hey !
I will be happy to help you in Swedish texts and other documents I can look for in Finland if you can help me and do not get too much pay for looking for you. Let's see how we can help each other.

Happy New Year: Juones

Viestit: 90
Liittynyt: 15.11.2016 01:14
Paikkakunta: Pskov, Russia

Re: Venäjälle muuttanut.

Viesti Kirjoittaja Arcobaleno » 01.01.2018 22:59

Juones, happy New year!

Thank you for your offer of assistance!
You have helped me, because at the time I did the search of Maria for you, I accidentally found my ancestor, whom I searched for over 1 year. I was very happy when I found my ancestor! :)

I sometimes need help to do the translation of documents.
There are a lot of documents in Swedish , where I can only read the names and surname, but I can't read all the text.
You can read old Swedish language?
If you need help in translation from Russian, write me!

With best wishes, Olga.
I will help you to read Russian text.
You don't have to pay for it. In return, I will ask you to decipher for me the text is in Swedish. I have many ancestors in Finland and I need help in reading old texts in Swedish. We can do a barter.
Contact me!

Vastaa Viestiin