Russian site of Victims of political repression

Discussions about genealogy. Questions, searches, interesting links etc.
Viestit: 90
Liittynyt: 15.11.2016 01:14
Paikkakunta: Pskov, Russia

Russian site of Victims of political repression

Viesti Kirjoittaja Arcobaleno » 19.01.2018 02:02

I want to say that on the Russian site of Victims of political repression now you can do a search by name, or by birth, or by other parameters.
This is not exactly fresh news, but I thought that not everyone might know about it.
Maybe for some, this news will help in the search.
When in the field "place of birth" I gain "Финляндия" (in Russian language), and do not write any name, then there are more than 5000 Finns, who were repressed.

All of the search queries it is necessary to introduce in the Russian language.
The base is incomplete, but it continues to replenish.
If anyone needs help finding, you can ask me.
In these lists, there are my ancestors too - who were born in Russia and were repressed....



Viestit: 445
Liittynyt: 31.01.2013 08:56

Re: Russian site of Victims of political repression

Viesti Kirjoittaja Kimpula » 03.03.2018 22:26

Does the site have anything about

Vilho Rafael Uunonpoika Gröhn, born 1906 in Helsinki or Pielisjärvi

Uuno Rudolf Uunonpoika Gröhn, born 1908 in Pielisjärvi (also called Lieksa)

Sometimes Gröhn is spelled Grön and Uuno(npoika) with one u.

Here is how Gröhn is spelled in Russian (number 483, first entry, Ilmari Woldemar) ... 82.KA&j=45

And may I ask you to translate that entry to English?

I can return the favour by translating Finnish or Swedish into English. I can read 19th century handwriting but probably not earlier handwriting ---but I can try.

Viestit: 90
Liittynyt: 15.11.2016 01:14
Paikkakunta: Pskov, Russia

Re: Russian site of Victims of political repression

Viesti Kirjoittaja Arcobaleno » 04.03.2018 12:20

Kimpula kirjoitti:Vilho Rafael Uunonpoika Gröhn, born 1906 in Helsinki or Pielisjärvi
I has found here is such a record. I think that's the man you're looking for.
Грен Вилхо Унович
Год рождения: 1906
Место рождения: Финляндия, г. Хельсинки
Национальность: финн
Работа: слесарь лесозавода
Место проживания: г. Сыктывкар
Осуждён: Особое совещание при НКВД
Дата осуждения: 13 июля 1935
Обвинение: статья 58-4 Уголовного кодекса РСФСР
Приговор: 3 года лишения свободы
Источник: Книга памяти Республики Коми, том 1

Gren Vilho Unovic
Year of birth: 1906
Place of birth: Finland, Helsinki
Nationality: Finn
Work: locksmith sawmill
Place of residence: Syktyvkar < ... 0%B0%D1%80 >
Condemned: Special meeting at the NKVD
Date of conviction: July 13, 1935
Criminal prosecution: Article 58-4 of the Criminal Code of the RSFSR
<this is a political article>
Sentence: 3 years imprisonment
Source: Book of Memory of the Republic of Komi, Volume 1

In square brackets <> -- these are my comments.
Kimpula kirjoitti:Uuno Rudolf Uunonpoika Gröhn, born 1908 in Pielisjärvi (also called Lieksa)
Unfortunately, I didn't find that person.

I think you need to make a request to the FSB. They may have additional information about these people.
Unfortunately, your link does not open. Can you send this link again?

With best wishes, Olga
I will help you to read Russian text.
You don't have to pay for it. In return, I will ask you to decipher for me the text is in Swedish. I have many ancestors in Finland and I need help in reading old texts in Swedish. We can do a barter.
Contact me!

Viestit: 445
Liittynyt: 31.01.2013 08:56

Re: Russian site of Victims of political repression

Viesti Kirjoittaja Kimpula » 04.03.2018 12:36

Thank you, Arcobaleno!
Unfortunately, your link does not open. Can you send this link again?
Strange. It works for me so it should be OK. How about this

Koodi: Valitse kaikki
Everything should be on one line.

Viestit: 90
Liittynyt: 15.11.2016 01:14
Paikkakunta: Pskov, Russia

Re: Russian site of Victims of political repression

Viesti Kirjoittaja Arcobaleno » 04.03.2018 13:13

I'm sorry, but the link doesn't open again.
This page can be stored in any other website?

Or send me a picture to the e-mail: gakuda @
(gaps of addresses should be removed).
I will help you to read Russian text.
You don't have to pay for it. In return, I will ask you to decipher for me the text is in Swedish. I have many ancestors in Finland and I need help in reading old texts in Swedish. We can do a barter.
Contact me!

Viestit: 2501
Liittynyt: 03.11.2006 01:04
Paikkakunta: Vantaa

Re: Russian site of Victims of political repression

Viesti Kirjoittaja JaskaS » 04.03.2018 13:49

Tested random links from
The Astia links give this message:
You request could not be processed at the moment. Please try again.
Probably temporary problems...

:) Jaska

Viestit: 445
Liittynyt: 31.01.2013 08:56

Re: Russian site of Victims of political repression

Viesti Kirjoittaja Kimpula » 04.03.2018 15:33

Here are the left and right sides of the entry.

Viestit: 90
Liittynyt: 15.11.2016 01:14
Paikkakunta: Pskov, Russia

Re: Russian site of Victims of political repression

Viesti Kirjoittaja Arcobaleno » 05.03.2018 01:15

День и час рождения: 4 декабря 1903 в 7 часов вечера
День крещения: Двадцать первого
№ и имя младенца: 483 Ильмари Вольдемар

Слесарь, финляндский уроженец Куопиосской губернии прихода Пиелисъярви Уно Реинголд Иоаннов Грён
и его жена Ядвига Мария, урожденная Хелениус, оба лютеранского вероисповедания.

Работник Матвей Кяхяри с женою Агнетою;
работник Вильгельм Фальк;
девица Ханна Стр??берг;
работник Петр Русканен;
девица Эдла Густавсон

Где и кем совершено крещение
В церкви
Комминистр ???
Фагериунд ???

Страница в общем списке

The day and hour of birth: December 4, 1903 at 7 PM
The day of the baptism: Twenty-first
Number and name of the baby: 483 Ilmari Voldemar

Fitter, Finland native Kuopiossa the County of parish of Pielisjarvi Uuno Reinhold Juhonpoika Gröhn
and his wife Jadwiga Maria (Hedda Maria), nee Helenius, both of the Lutheran religion.

Worker Matthew Kahari with his wife Agneta;
Worker Wilhelm Falk;
girl Hanna Str??berg <don't know which letters are in the middle>;
worker Peter Rusanen;
damsel Edla Gustavson

Where and by whom baptism is performed
In the church
Comminister <not sure of this word>
Fageriund <not sure about this word>

Page in the list
I don't understand all the words (I've made notes in the text).
If it's important, I can ask on the Russian forum the words that I couldn't translate.

I will help you to read Russian text.
You don't have to pay for it. In return, I will ask you to decipher for me the text is in Swedish. I have many ancestors in Finland and I need help in reading old texts in Swedish. We can do a barter.
Contact me!

Viestit: 445
Liittynyt: 31.01.2013 08:56

Re: Russian site of Victims of political repression

Viesti Kirjoittaja Kimpula » 05.03.2018 18:40

Thank you, Arcobaleno!
girl Hanna Str??berg <don't know which letters are in the middle>;
Could it be Strömberg?

If it's important, I can ask on the Russian forum the words that I couldn't translate.
I don't think it's important, but if I change my mind, I will ask. :D

Viestit: 90
Liittynyt: 15.11.2016 01:14
Paikkakunta: Pskov, Russia

Re: Russian site of Victims of political repression

Viesti Kirjoittaja Arcobaleno » 06.03.2018 17:20

Kimpula kirjoitti:Could it be Strömberg?
I think you're right, it Strömberg )))
I will help you to read Russian text.
You don't have to pay for it. In return, I will ask you to decipher for me the text is in Swedish. I have many ancestors in Finland and I need help in reading old texts in Swedish. We can do a barter.
Contact me!

Vastaa Viestiin