
Discussions about genealogy. Questions, searches, interesting links etc.
Viestit: 75
Liittynyt: 15.05.2020 18:08


Viesti Kirjoittaja Lynette1 » 03.10.2023 23:57

I found this record of my ancestor Sara Simonsdotter Sihtala being fined 1 32.
Can anyone translate what the fine was for?
Thank you,
IMG_6583.jpeg (154.37 KiB) Katsottu 24934 kertaa

Viestit: 2500
Liittynyt: 03.11.2006 01:04
Paikkakunta: Vantaa

Re: Translation

Viesti Kirjoittaja JaskaS » 04.10.2023 09:42

lägersmål (Swedish) = salavuoteus (Finnish) = illegal sexual intercourse
Rather outdated terms.

:) Jaska

Viestit: 75
Liittynyt: 15.05.2020 18:08

Re: Translation

Viesti Kirjoittaja Lynette1 » 04.10.2023 14:15

Thank you for translating>
That was sure unexpected!

Viestit: 75
Liittynyt: 15.05.2020 18:08

Re: Translation

Viesti Kirjoittaja Lynette1 » 04.10.2023 14:48

Now that I an thinking more about this…
It seems someone must have reported Sara’s indiscretion to the Church or made a formal complaint. Otherwise, how would the Church have found out about this? I would think this would be a common thing to be fined for but it I can’t find it anywhere else in the document. Many fines seem to be for drunkenness.

Viestit: 500
Liittynyt: 21.08.2021 12:44

Re: Translation

Viesti Kirjoittaja u18188 » 04.10.2023 20:43

My guess is that Sara was fined for obvious reasons. She was a widow and gave birth to an illegitimate child 24.6.1829. [?]
Please, check if these details correspond with your findings!!! ... tetut+4673 .

SSHY Alajärvi Christened ... 96&pnum=46 .

Birgit S.

Viestit: 75
Liittynyt: 15.05.2020 18:08

Re: Translation

Viesti Kirjoittaja Lynette1 » 04.10.2023 21:11

Thank you so much! I completely missed this child’s birth in my research.
Sara died about six months later. Sad to think about the child’s life afterwards.

Viestit: 500
Liittynyt: 21.08.2021 12:44

Re: Translation

Viesti Kirjoittaja u18188 » 04.10.2023 22:16

I just noticed there is a cross by the child's name, Maja Greta, in the Birth Records; she died 12.7.1829 (2 weeks 4 days old).

SSHY Alajärvi Death Records; ... 03&pnum=23 .
Check also next page: Sara died 23.6.1830.[?]

Birgit S.

Viestit: 75
Liittynyt: 15.05.2020 18:08

Re: Translation

Viesti Kirjoittaja Lynette1 » 04.10.2023 22:29

Thank you again!
I had been trying to find her listed in the Communion Books but could not locate her. I certainly can’t navigate these records like you can!!

Would Sara Simonsdotter have had a estate inventory conducted at her death? In her husband’s inventory upon his death, it looks like everything but her clothing and bed went to the children. I have looked through the estate records but they are not all in chronological order. Through sheer luck I found the link to them.

Viestit: 445
Liittynyt: 31.01.2013 08:56

Re: Translation

Viesti Kirjoittaja Kimpula » 07.10.2023 09:12

lägersmål (Swedish) = salavuoteus (Finnish) is (was) sexual intercourse between two unmarried persons. In Finland it was punishable by fines up until 1926.

Much more serious crime was whoredom (huoruus in Finnish, horedom/horeri(?) in Swedish).

One-sided whoredom was sexual intercourse between a married and and unmarried person.

Most serious crime was two-sided whoredom. It was a sexual intercourse between two persons who were both married but not with each other.

Once upon a time 1 or 2-sided whoredom was about the only way to get a divorce, that is, to get a divorce you had to commit a crime or at least say that you did it - and find a person who said she/he did it with you. :D

Viestit: 75
Liittynyt: 15.05.2020 18:08

Re: Translation

Viesti Kirjoittaja Lynette1 » 16.10.2023 05:07

Wow! That’s crazy that the Finns differentiated every combination of marital status with this crime.
My ancestor seems to have committed the least serious offense.
It was a very different time back then, that’s for sure.
Thanks for the information.

Vastaa Viestiin