Johan Michelsson Corell 1791
Johan Michelsson Corell 1791
I've been trying to find the parents of Johan Corell 26 Sept 1791 and have hit a dead end.
I can find him in Eura with his wife and second child on the Nummi Torp: ... 9&pnum=141
And also earlier with his wife and first child Michel (who dies age 4) ... 7&pnum=271
And a little bit earlier moving to the Lampu farm in 1811 at age 20 ... 4&pnum=127
(Although the birth date is recorded incorrectly as 26-8-1791)
There is a notation about Dahlberg Sorkis but I can't find a farm that matches in earlier Eura Sorkis records
Any ideal where he might come from in Eura? The records for Eura have many gaps.
I can find him in Eura with his wife and second child on the Nummi Torp: ... 9&pnum=141
And also earlier with his wife and first child Michel (who dies age 4) ... 7&pnum=271
And a little bit earlier moving to the Lampu farm in 1811 at age 20 ... 4&pnum=127
(Although the birth date is recorded incorrectly as 26-8-1791)
There is a notation about Dahlberg Sorkis but I can't find a farm that matches in earlier Eura Sorkis records
Any ideal where he might come from in Eura? The records for Eura have many gaps.
Re: Johan Michelsson Corell 1791
From here: ... 27&pnum=86
But not there in previous book
BTW: I recommend you use the AP pages whenever available. They are photographed from the original books, contrary to microfilm scans.
But not there in previous book

BTW: I recommend you use the AP pages whenever available. They are photographed from the original books, contrary to microfilm scans.

Re: Johan Michelsson Corell 1791
FFHA Eura Birth Records 1776-1804 AP; ... 35&pnum=43
FFHA Eura CB 1790-1800 AP, p. 107; ... 5&pnum=110
FFHA Eura CB 1801-1806 AP, p. 117; ... 6&pnum=120
Birgit S.
FFHA Eura CB 1790-1800 AP, p. 107; ... 5&pnum=110
FFHA Eura CB 1801-1806 AP, p. 117; ... 6&pnum=120
Birgit S.
Re: Johan Michelsson Corell 1791
Eura > rippikirja, 1790-1800 > Sivu 107 110: Kautua, Lampu, madam Petrelia, Ojala ... 5&pnum=110
Johan's father Michael and so on
13.8.1753 15.8.1753 Euracoski by Drag. Johan Biörnholm Lisa Johansdr Michael ... 7672378869 ... 5&pnum=110
Johan's father Michael and so on
13.8.1753 15.8.1753 Euracoski by Drag. Johan Biörnholm Lisa Johansdr Michael ... 7672378869
Re: Johan Michelsson Corell 1791
Great information -- and that Tree in adds so much to my Tree. Odd that my branch has no one added under it, and that Johan Michelsson Ojala changed his name to Corell (seemingly out of the blue) and carried on from there. I was searching for Corell names which was a dead end. Now to research his wife Justina Erkintytär who was 11 years older, perhaps the marriage was not approved by the Ojala family. So far all I can find for Justina is that her father's name might have been Staffson.
Re: Johan Michelsson Corell 1791
Actually there's nothing uncommon in the name. He was first referred to by the name of the croft he was born in. Then that name disappears in church books. Then he learned to become a shoemaker and every craftsman in the rural areas had to choose a name They couldn't no longer be called by farm or croft name. The name was always of Swedish form.
BTW. My surname has similar ending, chosen by my great grandfather (different from two his brothers).
BTW. My surname has similar ending, chosen by my great grandfather (different from two his brothers).

Re: Johan Michelsson Corell 1791
Thank you, the surname changes are difficult to figure out. There are many Corell's in the Eura area so I was expecting to find a Corell farm. I thought he might have married into the Corell family and taken their name.
I'm now searching for his wife's family, Justina Erkintytär 15 Sept 1780 from Kjulo and I believe her father's name might have been Eric Stafsson. I don't know the farm name she used.
Found a record of her (although I can't make out what's written next to her name): ... 84&pnum=75
Other than her maternal grandparents I've been able to track the families back to the 1680's.
Anders Simonsson 1704- and his wife Anna Johansdotter 1703- but I don't know where they lived.
I'm now searching for his wife's family, Justina Erkintytär 15 Sept 1780 from Kjulo and I believe her father's name might have been Eric Stafsson. I don't know the farm name she used.
Found a record of her (although I can't make out what's written next to her name): ... 84&pnum=75
Other than her maternal grandparents I've been able to track the families back to the 1680's.
Anders Simonsson 1704- and his wife Anna Johansdotter 1703- but I don't know where they lived.
Viimeksi muokannut Ron1, 08.06.2024 20:57. Yhteensä muokattu 1 kertaa.
Re: Johan Michelsson Corell 1791
I think it says "har fel i näsan", (for some reason) there was something wrong with her nose(?)
Re: Johan Michelsson Corell 1791
Is it possible for someone to verify that I have the correct lineage for Johanna Vilhelmina Corell as I've just come across another Family Tree that has Johan Michelsson Corell 26 Sept 1791 as the son of a Carl Corell 1745-1846 and Anna Tuurila 1747-1812. It would explain the name Corell which my research cannot.
I certainly don't want to be making a huge mistake in following the wrong family lines. The birthdates I have match up with the correct people, but there are a few inconsistencies (like where the Corell name came from as well as the middle name of Vilhelmina for Johanna) as the only record so far that I have that show them as a family is: ... 9&pnum=141
The second part of Johanna's name is Urth in the document, not Vilhelmina, or Vilh
I am trying to contact the Manager of the other Tree to compare research but so far no reply.
Am I on the right track?
I certainly don't want to be making a huge mistake in following the wrong family lines. The birthdates I have match up with the correct people, but there are a few inconsistencies (like where the Corell name came from as well as the middle name of Vilhelmina for Johanna) as the only record so far that I have that show them as a family is: ... 9&pnum=141
The second part of Johanna's name is Urth in the document, not Vilhelmina, or Vilh
I am trying to contact the Manager of the other Tree to compare research but so far no reply.
Am I on the right track?
Re: Johan Michelsson Corell 1791
Perhaps it's getting all too late here, but I don't quite understand, "Michelson" means son of Michel (not Carl), and in addition... ... 6695569026 ... 35&pnum=42
This Johanna was born on Jul 28 1791, so Carl and Anna can't be Johan's parents.
That "Urth" translates simply Wilh:, for sure. And as JaskaS explained, name Corell is not a big mystery here.
Johanna's birth record Jun 17 1821
Eura > Birth Records, 1805-1822 > Sivu 253 130: 7.5.1821 ... 6&pnum=130
Johan Corell already as a shoemaker (skomakaren) with family in 1813
Eura > Communion Book, 1807-1818 > Sivu 124 271: Kautua, Lampu, Ojala, skomakaren Corell ... 7&pnum=271 ... 6695569026 ... 35&pnum=42
This Johanna was born on Jul 28 1791, so Carl and Anna can't be Johan's parents.
That "Urth" translates simply Wilh:, for sure. And as JaskaS explained, name Corell is not a big mystery here.
Johanna's birth record Jun 17 1821
Eura > Birth Records, 1805-1822 > Sivu 253 130: 7.5.1821 ... 6&pnum=130
Johan Corell already as a shoemaker (skomakaren) with family in 1813
Eura > Communion Book, 1807-1818 > Sivu 124 271: Kautua, Lampu, Ojala, skomakaren Corell ... 7&pnum=271
Re: Johan Michelsson Corell 1791
Thank you for the link to the birth record for Johanna Vilhelmina very appreciated.
I didn't understand that the name Corell was the designation for being a shoemaker. I did pick that up in the record with skomakaren next to his name, but I didn't know that that would mean his surname should be Corell. Same thing happened to me with the name "Rehn" as that designated a military man in another part of my family.
At least my research is the correct lineage for Johan Corell (Ojala).
I didn't understand that the name Corell was the designation for being a shoemaker. I did pick that up in the record with skomakaren next to his name, but I didn't know that that would mean his surname should be Corell. Same thing happened to me with the name "Rehn" as that designated a military man in another part of my family.
At least my research is the correct lineage for Johan Corell (Ojala).
Re: Johan Michelsson Corell 1791
Justina Ericsdotter, b. Sep 15 1780, parents Fäherden [cattleherder?] Eric Staffansson [or sometimes "Stephansson"] and wife Anna Andersdotter;Ron1 kirjoitti: ↑08.06.2024 18:48I'm now searching for his wife's family, Justina Erkintytär 15 Sept 1780 from Kjulo and I believe her father's name might have been Eric ...
Found a record of her (although ... ): ... 84&pnum=75
Köyliö Births, Marriages, and Deaths 1761-1795 (AP I C:3) Sivu 184 Syntyneet 4.9.1780-8.11.1780 ; SSHY ... 33&pnum=92 / Viitattu 10.06.2024
Köyliö Communion Book 1768-1790 (AP I Aa:5) Sivu 25 Pehula, Mört ; SSHY ... 27&pnum=32 / Viitattu 10.06.2024
Köyliö Communion Book 1768-1790 (AP I Aa:5) Sivu 121 Pehula, (Höijer) ; SSHY ... 7&pnum=128 / Viitattu 08.06.2024 ["has defect in one nostril"]
Köyliö Communion Book 1791-1796 (AP) Sivu 67 Pehula, Stålt ; SSHY ... 84&pnum=75 / Viitattu 10.06.2024
Köyliö Communion Book 1797-1802 (AP) Sivu 74 Pehula, Ståltz ; SSHY ... 23&pnum=77 / Viitattu 10.06.2024
Köyliö Communion Book 1803-1808 (AP) Sivu 76 Pehula, Wappula ; SSHY ... 85&pnum=80 / Viitattu 10.06.2024
Justina moving to Eura No 11; Eura Moving Records 1804-1841 (AP I Ba:1) Sivu 11 1807 ; SSHY ... 250&pnum=8 / Viitattu 10.06.2024
Moving Certificate ["Moving now to Kautua/Eura, where working as wet nurse" (=woman hired to suckle another woman's child)], ["Justina's illegitimate son is left, with her father, in Köyliö"]; Euran seurakunnan arkisto - I Jba:1 Inkomna attester 1805-1807, jakso 165: <Justina Eriksdotter>; Kansallisarkisto: ... 1250863910 / Viitattu 10.6.2024
(Petter, born June 19 1806; Köyliö Births, Marriages, and Deaths 1796-1811 (AP I C:4) Sivu 222 Syntyneet 19.6.1806-9.8.1806 ; SSHY ... 4&pnum=114 / Viitattu 10.06.2024,
... and died March 18 1807 [of chestfever, 9 months old]; Köyliö Births, Marriages, and Deaths 1796-1811 (AP I C:4) Sivu 250 Syntyneet 27.12.1807 ja kuolleet 23.1.1807-24.5.1807 ; SSHY ... 4&pnum=128 / Viitattu 10.06.2024)
Justina in Eura 1807-1809, line 5; Eura Communion Book 1807-1818 (AP I Aa:12) Sivu 131 Kautua Bruk, Sundberg, Kiellman, Enbom, Lindqvist, Bergström, Ståhlberg, Pryss, Forsell, Stengrund ; SSHY ... 7&pnum=135 / Viitattu 09.06.2024
Justina moving out from Eura, No 29 right side; Eura Moving Records 1804-1841 (AP I Ba:1) Sivu 19 1809/1810 ; SSHY ... 50&pnum=12 / Viitattu 09.06.2024
Köyliö Moving Certificates 1806-1810 (AP I Jb1:2) Sivu 261 Justina Eriksdotter s. 15.9.1780 Köyliö, Eura 2.10.1809 ; SSHY ... 7&pnum=199 / Viitattu 10.06.2024 ["has suffered the (variola)virus and thereby got defect in nose"]
Köyliö Communion Book 1809-1814 (AP I Aa:9) Sivu 80 Pehula, Wappula, Kjulåholm ; SSHY ... 28&pnum=85 / Viitattu 09.06.2024
Justina moving out from Köyliö, No 22 left side; Köyliö Moving Records 1802-1811 (AP I Ba:5) ulosmuuttaneet 30.9.1811-6.4.1812 ; SSHY ... 37&pnum=33 / Viitattu 09.06.2024
Justina moving to Eura, No 34 left side Nov 10 1811; Euran seurakunnan arkisto - I Ba:1 Seurakuntaan muuttaneiden luettelot 1804-1841, jakso 15, sivu 25-26: Muuttaneet 1812 sisään / 1811 ulos; Kansallisarkisto: ... 1250672055 / Viitattu 10.6.2024
Moving Certificate No 34; Euran seurakunnan arkisto - I Jba:3 Inkomna attester 1811-1813, jakso 41; Kansallisarkisto: ... 1250880364 / Viitattu 10.6.2024
(1807-1812); Eura Communion Book 1807-1818 (AP I Aa:12) Sivu 132 Kautua Bruk, Sundberg, Lindqvist, Österman, Nordling, Rangell, Wulff ; SSHY ... 7&pnum=136 / Viitattu 10.06.2024
Justina married in Eura Nov 12 1815; Eura Marriage Records 1805-1891 (AP I Eb:1) Sivu 19 22.10.1815 ; SSHY ... 46&pnum=12 / Viitattu 09.06.2024
(1813-1818); Eura Communion Book 1807-1818 (AP I Aa:12) Sivu 124 Kautua, Lampu, Ojala, skomakaren Corell ; SSHY ... 7&pnum=271 / Viitattu 10.06.2024
Eura Communion Book 1819-1825 (AP I Aa:13) Sivu 148 Kautua, Kannisto, skom. Corell, skomakar Forsell ; SSHY ... 8&pnum=153 / Viitattu 10.06.2024
Eura Communion Book 1826-1832 (AP I Aa:14) Sivu 137a Lill Wahe(, torppareita), Högerman, Corell, Lindal, Tall ; SSHY ... 9&pnum=141 / Viitattu 10.06.2024
Please, check also my previous answer about Johanna Vilhelmina Johansdr Corell/24.2.2024.
Birgit S.
Viimeksi muokannut u18188, 13.06.2024 14:35. Yhteensä muokattu 2 kertaa.
Re: Johan Michelsson Corell 1791
Wow -- this is amazing! A treasure trove of information.
Many questions, but it looks like they actually name the father of the illegitimate child Petter on the birth record? It looks like "Johann Graulsson (??) Tuohiniemi" -- is this correct? I've come across the last name before. Justina was 26 at the time. Just a bit surprised that they named the father.
Also when Justina's older sister Anna moves back to the farm in this record: ... 28&pnum=85
Anna's sons name is Johann, and I believe it might say in the fine print next to his name that his father's name is Carlsson? Or is this something else?
Many questions, but it looks like they actually name the father of the illegitimate child Petter on the birth record? It looks like "Johann Graulsson (??) Tuohiniemi" -- is this correct? I've come across the last name before. Justina was 26 at the time. Just a bit surprised that they named the father.
Also when Justina's older sister Anna moves back to the farm in this record: ... 28&pnum=85
Anna's sons name is Johann, and I believe it might say in the fine print next to his name that his father's name is Carlsson? Or is this something else?
Re: Johan Michelsson Corell 1791
Hi! Just a short comment:
In Petter's birthcertificate NO FATHER, only the mother is mentioned!!! " ... first time conquered woman, maid ..."
"Faddrar" means Godparents or Wittnesses!!!
But for some reason Justina's son is named Petter Pettersson in the Death Records. (Was perhaps his father's name Petter also?)
And yes, they have noted a possible father for Anna's son Johan, ie "Carl".
Birgit S.
In Petter's birthcertificate NO FATHER, only the mother is mentioned!!! " ... first time conquered woman, maid ..."
"Faddrar" means Godparents or Wittnesses!!!
But for some reason Justina's son is named Petter Pettersson in the Death Records. (Was perhaps his father's name Petter also?)
And yes, they have noted a possible father for Anna's son Johan, ie "Carl".
Birgit S.
Re: Johan Michelsson Corell 1791
Thanks for the clarification -- I'm used to seeing the "Testes" for the witnesses and it wasn't there.
Must be more common in later records.
I mis-translated Fadder to English "Father", my mistake. Because the son was left with his father while Justina went to be a wet nurse, I thought he might have taken responsibility.
My knowledge of Swedish is only what I can translate in deepL
I found it interesting that Anna stayed on the farm after their father dies in 1809 and her son is only 8.
Must be more common in later records.
I mis-translated Fadder to English "Father", my mistake. Because the son was left with his father while Justina went to be a wet nurse, I thought he might have taken responsibility.
My knowledge of Swedish is only what I can translate in deepL
I found it interesting that Anna stayed on the farm after their father dies in 1809 and her son is only 8.
Viimeksi muokannut Ron1, 11.06.2024 00:02. Yhteensä muokattu 4 kertaa.