Johan Michelsson Corell 1791

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Viestit: 433
Liittynyt: 21.08.2021 12:44

Re: Johan Michelsson Corell 1791

Viesti Kirjoittaja u18188 » 10.06.2024 23:30

Life was hard. Justina left her son with HER father.
The Moving Certificate was given March 15 1807.
Petter died March 18. Perhaps it was expected, and Justina could therefore earn her living as a wet nurse.

Viestit: 34
Liittynyt: 27.12.2023 18:32

Re: Johan Michelsson Corell 1791

Viesti Kirjoittaja Ron1 » 11.06.2024 03:55

Your explanation makes very good sense.

I have been able to find the marriage of Eric Stephansson and Anna Andersdotter in Köyliö : ... 52&pnum=21

But when I look for Anna's birth 25 May 1737 she doesn't show up in Köyliö - the Moving Certificates don't go that far back so is there another way to find out where she moved from prior to Köyliö? I would like to find records for her parents Anders Simonsson 20 Nov 1704 and his wife Anna Johansdotter 13 Oct 1703

Viestit: 602
Liittynyt: 31.07.2020 02:24

Re: Johan Michelsson Corell 1791

Viesti Kirjoittaja Hapero » 12.06.2024 05:36

(Possibly, even quite likely) Anna and Anders were married on Dec 7 1729:
Säkylä > Births, Marriages, and Deaths, 1723-1751 > 23: Vihityt 1729, kuolleet 1729 ... 77&pnum=23

...and in 1747 they probably got one daughter more (yes I noticed that Anna was over 43 years of age then)

Left side, last one
Säkylä > Births, Marriages, and Deaths, 1723-1751 > 74: Syntyneet 1747 ... 77&pnum=74

EDIT: and earlier several others...

Unfinished project but still very usable source as You might already know:
SäkyläVihityt1729 - Copy.png
SäkyläVihityt1729 - Copy.png (26.27 KiB) Katsottu 2199 kertaa

Viestit: 433
Liittynyt: 21.08.2021 12:44

Re: Johan Michelsson Corell 1791

Viesti Kirjoittaja u18188 » 12.06.2024 15:27

As there are many people with the same name and patronymika, it is important to follow a person through every Communionbook, and make sure that you have the right person.

I found Anna Andersdotter (25.5.1737) in Köyliö CB 1750-1756, p. 24 Pehula; Köyliö Communion Book 1750-1763 (AP I Aa:4) Sivu 24 Pehula ; SSHY ... 26&pnum=28 / Viitattu 10.06.2024

Köyliö CB 1757-1763,
... p. 27 Pehula ["Erics hustru Anna"]; Köyliö Communion Book 1750-1763 (AP I Aa:4) Sivu 107 Pehula ; SSHY ... 6&pnum=112 / Viitattu 12.06.2024
... p. 24 Tuohiniemi; Köyliö Communion Book 1750-1763 (AP I Aa:4) Sivu 104 Tuohiniemi ; SSHY ... 6&pnum=109 / Viitattu 11.06.2024

... and Eric Stephansson at p. 17 Warpula; Köyliö Communion Book 1750-1763 (AP I Aa:4) Sivu 97 Warpula ; SSHY ... 6&pnum=102 / Viitattu 12.06.2024
(Eric b. 21.2.1740 Köyliö Warpula, parents Stephan Jacobsson and Agnetha Jöransdr; Köyliö Births, Marriages, and Deaths 1726-1760 (AP I C:2) Syntyneet 25.1.1740-2.5.1740 ; SSHY ... 32&pnum=36 / Viitattu 10.06.2024)

They were married 18.12.1763 Köyliö; Köyliö Births, Marriages, and Deaths 1761-1795 (AP I C:3) Sivu 30 Kuolleet 28.10.1763-11.12.1763 ja vihityt 13.3.1763-28.12.1763 ja syntyneet 31.12.1763-1.2.1764 ; SSHY ... 33&pnum=15 / Viitattu 10.06.2024
Their first daughter Maria was born 18.6.1764; Köyliö Births, Marriages, and Deaths 1761-1795 (AP I C:3) Sivu 32 Syntyneet 6.2.1764-26.6.1764 ; SSHY ... 33&pnum=16 / Viitattu 12.06.2024,
... and died 29.6.1764; Köyliö Births, Marriages, and Deaths 1761-1795 (AP I C:3) Sivu 40 Kuolleet 7.6.1764-1.12.1764 ja vihityt 23.4.1764-4.11.1764 ; SSHY ... 33&pnum=20 / Viitattu 12.06.2024

Eric moved to Rauma 10.6.1764, No 102, and Anna two years later 6.3.1766 No 139; Köyliö Communion Book 1750-1763 (AP I Aa:4) Ulosmuuttaneet 18.6.1759-7.11.1766 ; SSHY ... 6&pnum=173 / Viitattu 10.06.2024

Eric, first alone in Rauma as farm hand (married); Rauma Communion Book 1760-1765 (AP I Aa1:5) Sivu 272 Lachtis ; (Stierna) ; SSHY ... 0&pnum=259 / Viitattu 10.06.2024

Then with family in Rauma;
Rauma Communion Book 1766-1771 (AP I Aa1:6) Sivu 218 Lachtis ; SSHY ... 1&pnum=216 / Viitattu 10.06.2024
Rauma Communion Book 1772-1777 (AP I Aa1:7) Sivu 213 Lachtis, Pihlus ; SSHY ... 2&pnum=218 / Viitattu 12.06.2024

(4 children were born in Rauma: Matts 9.9.1766, Eric 26.2.1769, Juliana 24.6.1770, and Maria 7.4.1773, who died in Rauma 13.4.1773.
Check dates of birth in Rauma Birth Records; ... php?bid=52,
and Death Records; Rauma Death Records 1759-1780 (JK292 I F1:1) ; SSHY ... 92&pnum=34 / Viitattu 12.06.2024 )

Moving Certificate/6 April 1774; Köyliö Moving Certificates 1732-1797 (AP I Jaa:1) Eric Stephansson Rauma 6.4.1774 ; SSHY ... 1&pnum=133 / Viitattu 10.06.2024
Moving Records [middle, left side No 88, No 89 and children No 90, 91 and 92]; Köyliön seurakunnan arkisto - I Ba:2 Seurakuntaan muuttaneiden luettelot 1770-1789, jakso 2: 1773 sisäänmuuttaneet; Kansallisarkisto: ... 1257909515 / Viitattu 12.6.2024
Back in Köyliö, where they had yet 3 daughters: Anna 12.6.1774, Helena 5.12.1778 (died 11.12.1778) and Justina 15.9.1780.
Check dates of birth in Köyliö Birth and Death Records; ... ?bid=21833
(and Köyliö CB 1768-1790, p. 25, please check my previous answer above/10.6.2024).

And now to Anna Andersdotter's parents:

Anna Johansdotter b. 13.10.1703 Köyliö, father Johan Henriksson from Pehula, mother's name is not mentioned (!); Köyliö Communion Book 1702-1713 (AP I Aa:1) Sivu 86-87 Syntyneet 14.8.1703- 13.10.1703 ; SSHY ... 23&pnum=47 / Viitattu 11.06.2024

Married 7.12.1729; Säkylä Births, Marriages, and Deaths 1723-1751 (AP I C:2) Vihityt 1729, kuolleet 1729 ; SSHY ... 77&pnum=23 / Viitattu 10.06.2024

"Säkylä" is mentioned (in a Köyliö CB) by Anders Simonsson's name. I believe he was born 20 Oct (!!!) 1704 in Säkylä Mustakorpi:
(last entry, left side), parents Simon Clemetsson and Maria Mattsdr; Säkylä Births, Marriages, and Deaths 1680-1722 (AP I C:1) 1704 ; SSHY ... 76&pnum=20 / Viitattu 11.06.2024

Köyliö CB 1734-1740
... p. 1 Kiuloholm (Anders); Köyliö Communion Book 1734-1740 (AP I Aa:2) Sivu 1 Kiuhloholm, Neunstedt, Austrell, Swan, Jerpe, Fixenfäldt ; SSHY ... 824&pnum=5 / Viitattu 12.06.2024
... p. 19 Pehula (Anna and daughters ???); Köyliö Communion Book 1734-1740 (AP I Aa:2) Sivu 19 Pehula, Göran, Ståltz ; SSHY ... 24&pnum=23 / Viitattu 12.06.2024

They had a son Eric 4.5.1736, who died the same date; Köyliö Births, Marriages, and Deaths 1726-1760 (AP I C:2) Syntyneet 4.5.1736-28.9.1736 ; SSHY ... 32&pnum=24 / Viitattu 12.06.2024
They had a daughter (but no name mentioned) 21.10.1740 at Pehula. (Lisa at p.19 Pehula above ???); Köyliö Births, Marriages, and Deaths 1726-1760 (AP I C:2) Syntyneet 19.7.1740-4.11.1740 ; SSHY ... 32&pnum=37 / Viitattu 11.06.2024

Köyliö CB 1768-1790, p. 27 Pehula; Köyliö Communion Book 1768-1790 (AP I Aa:5) Sivu 27 Pehula, Johan ; SSHY ... 27&pnum=34 / Viitattu 11.06.2024

Anna Johansdotter died 26.5.1782 (burried June 1); Köyliö Births, Marriages, and Deaths 1761-1795 (AP I C:3) Sivu 209 Syntyneet 7.12.1782-26.12.1782 ja kuolleet 5.1.1782-4.10.1782 ; SSHY ... 3&pnum=105 / Viitattu 12.06.2024
Anders Simonsson died 11.11.1785; Köyliö Births, Marriages, and Deaths 1761-1795 (AP I C:3) Sivu 243 Kuolleet 12.9.1785-28.12.1785 ja vihityt 22.5.1785-29.12.1785 ; SSHY ... 3&pnum=123 / Viitattu 12.06.2024

As you can see, there are still some gaps in their familyhistory.
But they are very much connected to Köyliö Pehula, where Anna Johansdotter was born.
One daughter's birth is registerred both in Köyliö and Säkylä ... !
But still not found Anna Andersdotter's (b. 1737 or 1739?) Birth Record ... !
Birgit S.

Köyliö CB 1745-1751, p. 21 Pehula (Anna Andersdr 15.5.1739 ?); Köyliö Communion Book 1742-1751 (AP I Aa:3) Sivu 101 Pehula, Jöran, Ståltz ; SSHY ... 25&pnum=97 / Viitattu 12.06.2024

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