Obtaining a record that is not online

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Viestit: 69
Liittynyt: 15.05.2020 18:08

Obtaining a record that is not online

Viesti Kirjoittaja Lynette1 » 14.07.2024 17:05

Is it possible to obtain a record that is not online? The estate inventory for Ulrika Erkintytär Anttila of Alajärvi is not available online. She died on July 31, 1880. I am trying to figure out where her son Henry got the money to immigrate in November of that same year.

Thank you,

Viestit: 597
Liittynyt: 31.07.2020 02:24

Re: Obtaining a record that is not online

Viesti Kirjoittaja Hapero » 15.07.2024 04:30


Unfortunately nothing to be found here:
Alajärven seurakunnan arkisto > I VÄESTÖREKISTERIARKISTO > IJ Väestörekisteri-ilmoitukset > IJe Kuulutus ja vihkimisasiakirjat (ennen vuotta 1962) > IJee Perunkirjat > Perunkirjat 1827-1884
https://astia.narc.fi/uusiastia/kortti_ ... 271501522#

Of course there was more than one way to obtain that money.

Page 21: Funding the journey
https://siirtolaisuusinstituutti.fi/wp- ... 21_opt.pdf

According to study based on Anna-Leena Toivanen interviews (1963)
36 % yksityisellä tai pankkilainalla (private or bank loan)
31 % omilla säästöillä, talon myynnillä, perintörahoilla, vanhemmilta (own savings, selling house, herited money, money from parents)
33 % Amerikasta lähetetyllä prepaid-lipulla (a friend or relative sent "prepaid tickets" beforehand from US/Canada)

Just to mention, according to this (and 1910 US Census?) record they emigrated in 1881, 5th of september.
https://www.sukuhistoria.fi/sshy/sivut/ ... 7&pnum=570
"Minnesotaan 5.9.1881"

And there I can find them living in Duluth in 1885 (Family Search), names at that time: Henry Antiler/Antila, Mary, Alexander, Ida.

Viestit: 69
Liittynyt: 15.05.2020 18:08

Re: Obtaining a record that is not online

Viesti Kirjoittaja Lynette1 » 15.07.2024 18:36

Thank you for all of the information.

It’s interesting that his father’s estate inventory is also not available online - Erik Eriksson Anttila died on February 14, 1866. It would have been nice to see what his estate (or his wife’s) consisted of so that I could get a description of the farm that my great-grandfather was living on. I did find Erik Eriksson’s father’s estate inventory and saw that the farm was heavily in debt.

Thank you,

Vastaa Viestiin