Britha Jacobs dr

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Viestit: 558
Liittynyt: 31.03.2011 07:09

Britha Jacobs dr

Viesti Kirjoittaja Katie » 11.08.2011 02:27

Could you please translate the entry that is in the link below? I am looking at Britha Jacobs dr and found under Hiski her last name of Carjalackti along with her fathers name of Jacob Carjalackti. Yet I can not find his name again in Hiski and I wonder if you can translate the original writing. Also I believe I see her mother Anna Olofsdr in this entry and Hiski shows last name as Tarkianen. Is this correct according to the original writing. One LAST question: what does fr mean?

Britha's information is Image 45 and towards the bottom of the page with the village of Ounasjoki. ... 15&pnum=45

Thank You

Viestit: 275
Liittynyt: 22.03.2011 17:23

Re: Britha Jacobs dr

Viesti Kirjoittaja timotk » 11.08.2011 07:43

I think it is as follows:
"Fr Carjalachtiby Jacob Ruuths och hust Anna Tarkiaises"...
which means "Jacob Ruuth's who is from Karjalahti village and (his) wife Anna Tarkiainen's" ...

Fr = från = from,
by = village

I think Karjalahti is far from Ounaskoski.

It is funny how the genetive is often created.
When family name is Tarkiainen, the Finnish genetive is Tarkiaisen.
Why the clergy often write Tarkiaises is a mystery, since it has the genetive twice!
The regular Swedish genetive should be Tarkiainens.
This double genetive appears often with names that end with -nen, in other parts of the country as well, not just in Rovaniemi.

Viestit: 558
Liittynyt: 31.03.2011 07:09

Re: Britha Jacobs dr

Viesti Kirjoittaja Katie » 11.08.2011 08:11

Thank You so much for your help. If you think it's confusing think of how I feel. I look at the original documents and I don't see anything that I'm looking for. The only saving grace I have is to match dates then hope for the best or for your organization to save me.
Thanks, again. And with the weekend coming up, have a nice one.

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