Looking for birth record of ancestor

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Viestit: 7
Liittynyt: 11.07.2016 01:50

Looking for birth record of ancestor

Viesti Kirjoittaja Christoph » 10.09.2016 08:04

I am looking for a birth record for Michel Andersson Stortårs (born 14 July 1796, in Overmark), as well as his wife Lisa Henricsdotter (born 1805 in Nasby). Additionally, would there happen to be death records for Michel Michelsson Westerback (died 25 January 1908) and/or his wife Emma Gustafva Westerback (died 24 February 1929)? Thank you for your time.

Viestit: 651
Liittynyt: 07.09.2014 17:23
Paikkakunta: Porvoo

Re: Looking for birth record of ancestor

Viesti Kirjoittaja tuulacu » 10.09.2016 10:44


You will not get the birth record of Michel Andersson from Stort(h)ors, as the history books between 1780-1797 are burnt (The Russians burnt down the vicarage in 1808.) But you can find the birth date in the communion books, here e.g. in 1796-1801
and here even earlier, in 1790-1795; and NB his birthdate is July 14, 1790:

There are 5 Elisabets born in Närpiö in 1805,

http://digihakemisto.appspot.com/index_ ... ay2=123573

none of them in Näsby - so you have either the wrong year or the wrong place :(

Death records of the 20th century are rather hard to get in Finland, without asking from the parishes, unless the 1908 record is in the membership area of SSHY - and it is not...

You might find help from this group: http://www.malax.org/westside/

Tuula K

Viestit: 7
Liittynyt: 11.07.2016 01:50

Re: Looking for birth record of ancestor

Viesti Kirjoittaja Christoph » 10.09.2016 19:24

Thank you so much for your help! There was a communion record that I found for my great-great-great grandfather Michel Michelsson Westerback (born 29 October 1833, in Nääsby) that listed his father Michel Andersson Storthors as being born in 1796 - it must have been a transcription error. The identity of his mother, Lisa Henricsdotter, is still a mystery, however, as it lists her simply as being born in 1805 in Nääsby as well.

Viestit: 651
Liittynyt: 07.09.2014 17:23
Paikkakunta: Porvoo

Re: Looking for birth record of ancestor

Viesti Kirjoittaja tuulacu » 11.09.2016 10:16

Oh yes, those transcription errors, they have happened...
And the difficulty with areas of Western Finland is that the farm names (in the records) changed when the farmhand changed the farm. So it is maybe that your Michel Andersson was at that time working in Storthors (his drg meand dräng=farmhand) OR that he was originally from Storthors. This varies. So it is wise to follow the couple and also before marriage in 1831, which I managed to find:
- and it says that Lisa Henric's daughter is smed dotter, meaning blacksmith's daughter, from the same village, Nääsby, and even the family name is mentioned, Engelqvist!

I used HisKi to find out the children of Henrik Engelqvist's, found this below. Sorry, do not have the time to look for them in the communion books just now - but it is obvious that Lisa belongs to this family. Henrik Engelqvist is mentioned by various professions: seaman, blacksmith and "inhysing" meaning he did not own a farm but worked for farms.

Närpiö - Närpes - kaikki

Kastetut Baptized

Syntynyt/Born Kastettu/Baptized Kylä/Village Talo/Farm Isä/Father Äiti/Mother + her age Lapsi/Child
*26.9.1799 27.9.1799 Näsby Henrik Engelqvist Margareta Jakobsdtr 1771 Maria Elisabeta
*7.7.1801 8.7.1801 Nääsby Sjöman: Henric Engelqvist Greta Jacobsdr 1771 Henric
*15.11.1803 15.11.1803 Nääsby Inh: Henric Anderss: Engelqvist Margreta Jacobsdr 1771 Clara
*18.4.1806 19.4.1806 Nääsby Inh: Henrik Anderss: Engelqvist Greta Jacobsdr 1771 Elisabet
*20.9.1808 25.9.1808 Nääsby Smeden: Henrik Engelqvist Greta Jacobsdr 1771 Mickel
*27.10.1810 28.10.1810 Näsby Smed: Henric Engelqvist Greta Jacobi Beatha
*13.8.1813 15.8.1813 Nääsby: Inh. Henrik Engelqvist Greta Jacobsdr 1771 Erik

I did a small google search though and found out that if you search with Henrik Engelqvist, you will end up in a PDF by genealogist Henrik Mangs, and in that PDF this, information on Engelqvists:

Far: Engelqvist (Teir), Henric Andersson.
Sjöman, Smed.
Född 19/7 1766 i Näsby Närpes (Närpes Kb 1782-
88 Näsby 1 Teir).
Död 26/4 1842 i Näsby Närpes.

Mor: Pärus, Margareta "Greta" Jacobsdotter.
Född 23/12 1771 i Näsby Närpes.
Död 27/12 1830 i Näsby Närpes.

- and you can contact Henrik Mangs here http://www.netikka.net/henrik.mangs/


Viestit: 7
Liittynyt: 11.07.2016 01:50

Re: Looking for birth record of ancestor

Viesti Kirjoittaja Christoph » 12.09.2016 20:04

Wow, this is amazing information. Thank you so much!

Vastaa Viestiin