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Daniel HENRICKSON - advice please

Lähetetty: 17.01.2013 11:59
Kirjoittaja beg

I am helping out in the search for Daniel HENRICKSON, son of Aron HENRICKSON, born 15 August 1860, somewhere in Finland.

For more than twenty years the family have been trying to find a record of his birth. They know of two possible birth places.

One birthplace is Priastadt, mentioned in Daniel's Australian naturalisation papers.

Image 6 - Naturalisation Papers ... 74&S=6&T=P

Priastadt may be Brahestad (Raahe). I have looked through several of the Pohjois-Pohjanmaa parish records on SSHY and Arkistolaitos. Unfortunately I could not find a Daniel.


The other birthplace is a village which "sounds like Koomeny". In 1860 the village was fourteen miles from the Russian border. I hoped "Koomeny" was Kunonniemi but there was no Daniel in the 1853-64 Lastenkirja.


I have also traced several Aron HENRICKSON's on HisKi and then Rippikirja but none have a son called Daniel.


My question is have the Lastenkirja or Rippikirja been indexed by first name and surname. They are amazing resources but rely on knowing a birthplace or village name. Without a birthplace you need to go parish by parish and page by page which is a huge job - a bit like looking for a needle in a haystack (neula heinäsuovassa according to Google Translate :-)

If there is no index (which I suspect is the case) can someone suggest how I should continue the search for Daniel. Or is it simply a case of continuing my page by page search through the parish archives.

Many thanks for your help

Re: Daniel HENRICKSON - advice please

Lähetetty: 17.01.2013 14:30
Kirjoittaja kiukas
Daniel Henriksson syntynyt 1860 löytyy siirtolaisinstituutin Australia tietokannasta,minulla ei ole mahdollisuutta tarkempaan( vain ilmainen haku) ja englanninkieleni on puuttellinen joten jospa joku kääntäisi tämän , jospa tämä vaikka antaisi ohuen siiman eteenpäin.

Re: Daniel HENRICKSON - advice please

Lähetetty: 17.01.2013 14:33
Kirjoittaja timotk
I am helping out in the search for Daniel HENRICKSON, son of Aron HENRICKSON, born 15 August 1860, somewhere in Finland.
Formally Henricsson could be either surname or patronymic (Henric's son). If Daniel is a son of Aron, his patronymic would be Daniel Aronson or Daniel Aronsson. I tried also this in Hiski search with no result.
One birthplace is Priastadt, mentioned in Daniel's Australian naturalisation papers.
One possibility is that he was born in StPetersburg which was typically caller Pietari in Finnish in those times, and indeed, many Finnish families worked there for long periods of time or even permanently. Small chances exist that the family is documented in St Maria parish records (which were kept in German language). I also looked at Pori (city or Stadt in German).
The other birthplace is a village which "sounds like Koomeny". In 1860 the village was fourteen miles from the Russian border. I hoped "Koomeny" was Kunonniemi but there was no Daniel in the 1853-64 Lastenkirja.
One place that comes to my mind is Kuolemanjärvi on the Karelian isthmus, and the distance to the border (between the Grand Duchy of Finland and "mother Russia") may be roughly correct. Kuolemanjärvi is one of the places that are covered by Katiha It DOES have name index for instances in lastenkirja, rippikirja etc. The names could be distorted, as well a the date of birth, so looking at Kuolemanjärvi records in sshy or narc could yet be worthwhile.

It might be good to open up the information if possible. Could you elaborate the source of information for "Koomeny". It may result in further leads.

I did try to find Aron and Daniel in Katiha but the outcomes were not promising.

Hiski is not yet covering all parishes and all years of the 1800's. Therefore your ancestors could be hiding somewhere out of reach for the moment. Hiski is a crowd-sourcing kind of project and the volunteering has been low recently.

Hoping for a lucky outcome,
rgds Timo

Re: Daniel HENRICKSON - advice please

Lähetetty: 17.01.2013 14:35
Kirjoittaja timotk
kiukas kirjoitti:Hei
Daniel Henriksson syntynyt 1860 löytyy siirtolaisinstituutin Australia tietokannasta, minulla ei ole mahdollisuutta tarkempaan (vain ilmainen haku) ja englanninkieleni on puuttellinen joten jospa joku kääntäisi tämän, jospa tämä vaikka antaisi ohuen siiman eteenpäin.

The database of Siirtolaisinstituutti (Migration Institute) contains a set of individuals called Australian Suomalaiset (Finns in Australia). It may or may not give further information. It does list Daniel Henricsson born 1860. I have no access to the details of the source other than than just the name and birth year. It is a service that requires a paid user account in order to open up the details. In the worst case the database just repeats the naturalisation record.

If Daniel was a seaman who jumped off his ship, he may not appear in passenger lists. He may be found in Seamen's register but you should know in that case which was his home harbour.

Re: Daniel HENRICKSON - advice please

Lähetetty: 17.01.2013 16:47
Kirjoittaja taltta
"The other birthplace is a village which "sounds like Koomeny""
Hi, this could also be Kymmene (Swedish) and Kymi (Finnish).

"One birthplace is Priastadt, mentioned in Daniel's Australian naturalisation papers."
As in other posts as well (elsewhere), the town of Raahe (Swedish: Brahestad) could be meant here.

Christened (kastetut in Finnish) of Kymi for searching ... 1+kastetut
There is one Daniel born on the 9th of August 1860, but the farther's name is Henrik Henriksson.

The Hiski database does not cover those christened in Raahe beyond 1850.
However the pages do include 1860 as well ... 57/222.htm
The bad news is that there's no Daniel born 15.8.1860 there either.

My guess is that Kymmene or Kymi might also mean some other parish in the Kymmene/Kymi area. The same probably goes for Brahestad/Raahe.

The map of Kymi area ... ML&LANG=FI

The map of Raahe area ... ML&LANG=FI
(at least not found in the Saloinen parish (in

Hope this helps, BRs taltta

Re: Daniel HENRICKSON - advice please

Lähetetty: 17.01.2013 21:16
Kirjoittaja TapaniKoo
Jos vaikka Google kääntäjä tai joku ystävällinen foorumilainen voisi muutaman sanan verran kääntää englanniksi oheiseesa linkissä kerrottua tekstiä. Ei nimittäin ole täysin mahdotonta, jos PRIASTADT olisikin KRONSTADT ja siten Retusaaren seurakunnassa on saattanut Daniel syntyä tai olla rekisterissä. Useita satoja suomalaisia siellä asui 1800-luvun lopulla.

Linkki tässä:

Re: Daniel HENRICKSON - advice please

Lähetetty: 17.01.2013 22:08
Kirjoittaja timotk
New information of the lutheran parish on island of Kronstadt. Possibly Kronstadt is the right name for Priastadt?

Retusaari parish or "Kronstatti" was Estonian-Finnish-Swedish and it was founded in 1836. The church of Nikolai was in the use of the parish. Population: 540 Finns, 1 400 Estonian ja 90 Swedish in the year 1913. (Source: Wikipedia)

Records exist in German language, for instance for the period of 1847-1923 in Kronstadt.
This is a record of some Estonian archive which I do not know personally and have never used. I extracted the text from one discussion chain. tapanikoo kindly gave the link and I just translated parts of it.

# Pealkiri : Parochialscheine / Gemeinden: Ampel, Gatschina, Kronstadt, Moskwa, Narva, Nowgorod, Pleskau, St. Petersburg, Tambow
Dokumendi liik : Kirikutähed ja -teatised
Dokumendi keel : saksa
Algdaatum : 1847
Lõppdaatum : 1923
Kogudus : Viljandi Pauluse
Pihtkond : eesti
Hoiukoht : AJALOOARHIIV < Estonian archive
Fondi nr : 1290
Nimistu nr : 1
Säiliku nr : 393


These records have been digitised by mormons, according to the discussion chain. Have you tried it?


A person born in Kronstadt could well have been living later on in Kymmene which is today included in the city of Kotka, on the southern side of the Gulf of Finland. Assuming that he was a seaman (typical for the region) he could have been registered in seamen's registry of Kotka. This link leads you to the search, but requires a working user account.

Rgds, Timo

Re: Daniel HENRICKSON - advice please

Lähetetty: 18.01.2013 06:36
Kirjoittaja beg
Hello all,

Thanks very much for replying.
It might be good to open up the information if possible. Could you elaborate the source of information for "Koomeny".
The lady I am helping is called Velcro. She is the grand-daughter of Daniel HENRICKSON. Here are some family stories she shared on her Rootschat thread.

Daniel HENRICKSON - Reply #37 ... msg4792544


Thank you for the link to the Seaman's Register. Daniel was supposedly a sailor from age 14 so it may be worthwhile subscribing. Yrittänyttä ei laiteta according to Google Translate :-)

The database of Siirtolaisinstituutti (Migration Institute) contains a set of individuals called Australian Suomalaiset (Finns in Australia)
I think Velcro has already explored this link and it is simply a transcript of the naturalisation record. I will check again with her.

Kymmene (Swedish) = Koomeny
Certainly sounds promising. I have already checked the Kymi Rippikirja 1860-70 but had no success. I will try the Lastenkirjat.

There is one Daniel born on the 9th of August 1860, but the father's name is Henrik Henriksson
I think this Daniel has been traced. I think he was still in Finland in 1882. And Velcro says he was in Stromfors in 1885. Velcro's Daniel was in Australia in 1883.


The St Petersburg and Kronstadt suggestions are certainly worth pursuing. For the moment I will put them to one side and concentrate on Kuolemanjärvi and Kymi (plus surrounding parishes). But I wish there were a few more indexed websites like Karjala.


Thanks all for the advice. Any other suggestions are appreciated.


Re: Daniel HENRICKSON - advice please

Lähetetty: 18.01.2013 10:07
Kirjoittaja kiukas
Kymissä 11021838 syntynyt Aron ( LK Kymi 1850-59 s 185 Pihko Mauno) muuttaa Wiipuriin 1856,hänen isänsä on Henrik ( Aron Henrikson),tässä yksi mahdollisuus.
Taitavimmat toibvottavasti käöäntävät ja laittavat linkin,kiitos jo etukäteen.

Re: Daniel HENRICKSON - advice please

Lähetetty: 18.01.2013 11:40
Kirjoittaja timotk
In reponse the to latest contribution of kiukas, I have followed the finding and translated a bit.

Drengen Aron Henricsson Torsberg från denne församlings Pihko by, hvilken nu flyttar till Wiborg, är född härstedes den 11. Februari 1838, ... (page on the right, topmost text). Farm hand Aron Henricsson Torsberg has received a certicate for moving to Viipuri. Certificate was dated 1856. He was born in 1838.

To see whether he got children in Viipuri:
Lastenkirja in the city of Viipuri, page Tor... NOTHING FOUND.

To see whether Torsberg appears in Karjala-tietokanta (Katiha):
Search by Torsberg (all parishes) NOTHING FOUND.

Possibly this Torsberg abandoned using the family name, or did not travel in Viipuri at all. More often than not, the destination was not the same as for which the certificate of migration was requested in the first place. For example, he could have travelled further (instead of registering himself in Viipuri) and married in some other place, e.g. Kronstadt.


For the Estonian archive search, you could inquire using this addres ajalooarhiiv[at] where the fond is located that is mentioned above in this thread. With good luck they might give you a link to a digitised source of parishes in Kronstadt but really I do not know whether it exists or whether it is free of charge, subscribed or whatever. Undoubtedly the originals are archived in Tartu, Estonia.

Rgds, Timo

Re: Daniel HENRICKSON - advice please

Lähetetty: 18.01.2013 13:15
Kirjoittaja timotk
My mother and two aunts at various times relayed something of what he told them. His home town was situated about 14 miles inside the Russo-Finnish border of the 1860`s. This border since changed due to the various wars that raged in Europe at the time. The phonetic name of this town sounded like "Koomeny", but this sound would have been influenced by his heavy Finnish accent. His father was the village "doctor", which probable meant that he was a barber who also tended the sick and performed amputations. Who knows?

Dan, at about the age of 14 years left Finland with his older brother at traveled to England where they both enlisted in the British Merchant Navy. They sailed around the world as crew members for a number of years before being assigned to different sailing boats.
This excerpt above is from another forum. I read it and saw that quite respectable study had been made recently.

Distance from Kotka (or Kymmene if you wish) is 140 British miles (mile=1.6 km) from the Russo-Finnish border of 1860, not 14. Could the zero digit have been dropped away somehow?

The travel from Finland to England could have been registered in passenger lists in a normal case. If the person was enlisted in Finnish merchant navy, you should try the Seamen's registry. Even apprentices could have been registered, but I am not quite sure about it.

British Merchant Navy: have you searched that source? If a British Seamen's registry exists, you should try that also, since it may contain earlier and thus more valid information than the naturalization.

The word "peeper" sounds to me more like Swedish (pipa) than Finnish (piippu). He could of course have been from a Swedish-speaking family which was common on the coastal region.
Other observations. Dan`s father came from Sweden and settled in Finland [Henrickson is a Swedish name]. This is a form of reverse migration for the time as most migration was in the reverse direction, from Finland into southern Sweden.
The last quote is from velcro, and rather significant. It supports the use of "pipa" that sounds like "peeper". There is no reason to search Henric Aronsson in Finland, assuming this to be true. In Sweden the form Henricsson was "frozen" to be a surname while in most cases this form in Finland was the combination of given name + patronymic.

Rgds, Timo (N.B. this message was edited twice during this day, and the last quote was added among other changes)

Re: Daniel HENRICKSON - advice please

Lähetetty: 18.01.2013 14:52
Kirjoittaja kiukas
Nimi on Forsberg,ja lastenkirjassa jossa Aron lähtee Viipuriin on merkintä Aron Henrikson(suomalaisittain) näin tarkennukseksi .

Re: Daniel HENRICKSON - advice please

Lähetetty: 18.01.2013 15:41
Kirjoittaja kiukas
Vuoteen 1860 luterilaiset suomalaiset kuuluivat Kronstadtin saksalaiseen/monikansalliseen St.Elisabet-seurakuntaan, silloin erotettiin omakseen St.Nikolain virolais-suomalais-ruotsalainen seurakunta. Saksalaisen seurakunnan historiakirjat 1834-1889 on digitoituna netissä mormonien Familysearch-sivustossa: ... ;t=browsab le;w=0

ja jos tämä Aron on päätynyt tänne tai joku muu Aron niin Danielin tulisi löytyä tästä tiedostosta mikäli hän on syntynyt Kronstadissa 1860.

Re: Daniel HENRICKSON - advice please

Lähetetty: 18.01.2013 18:28
Kirjoittaja timotk
A small update.

FamilySearch: Daniel born in Kronstadt > no suitable results. I am afraid that such a place of birth does not exist in that database. Yet the search via the Estonian archive seems viable.

The search for Forsberg born 1838 was a dead end, just as it was with Torsberg.

It has come to my mind that possibly Daniel wanted to give disinformation (for a lengthy period of time) of his identity to avoid being punished since he had jumped off a ship.

Regards, Timo

Re: Daniel HENRICKSON - advice please

Lähetetty: 19.01.2013 12:52
Kirjoittaja beg
Hi all...

Thanks again for your help :-)

Aron HENRICSSON TORSBERG certainly looks interesting. It is only a family story that Aron was born in Sweden. There is no definite proof. So I think I will try and find a mention of Aron in the parish records for Viborg and surrounding parishes.

Plus keep looking for Daniel in the parish records for Kuolemanjärvi, Kymi and surrounding areas.


I have yet to start looking into the UK seaman records. I am aware of them and will start when I need a break from the Finnish parish records.


As Timotk said, the big concern is that "Daniel HENRICKSON" may be an alias. The problem is that this can't be disproved unless we find a mention in the parish records of a Daniel HENRICKSON, son of Aron, born 15 Aug 1860. So the search goes on.

Thanks again :-)