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Japhet Pietaripoika Kähkönen census or death

Lähetetty: 05.08.2013 06:02
Kirjoittaja Katie
I am unable to locate the above named date of death. I believe he death may have been after 1900 as his birth date was 08 Apr 1846 in Ristijarvi, Oulu. His last child was born of his wife, Eva Lovisa Leinonen, and was named Antti Jafentinp Kähkönen on 20 Dec 1884 in Mieslahti, Paltamo, Oulu. This is his last known village that he and his wife lived in. Japhet's wife, Eva Lovisa, was born 04 Mar 1852 at Melalax 23, Paltamo, Oulu and I do not have her death date. Would there be a census record showing where they were living in 1900? or any other census records after 1900?
Hope you can find something in your research. I doubt that there will be death dates so I'm hoping at least a census record may help.
Thank You

Re: Japhet Pietaripoika Kähkönen census or death

Lähetetty: 09.11.2013 11:11
Kirjoittaja EevaH
I do not know anything about these people or the district, but I'll answer about the census records. There are "Henkikirjat", in Swedish "Mantals längd" from 1635 which are very useful for the genealogists, There are archived books for each year, for some parishes until 1980's, available in the archives. They are not available in the net because of the privacy laws, the last one you can open in your browser at home in National Archives digital archive is for year 1885. If you try to open the one for 1890, it tells you you'll have to read it in the archives. You'll find the listing from 1810 on by going to "Henkikirjat" in digital archive's search tree. The earlier ones are in Läänintilit. Here is a page of a Henkikirja for Oulu district 1885 (note that there are 5 files for this year). Hope the link works, if not, I,ll send you the path for it.

The first column is for the village name, the first number column is the house number in the village (like in church books). Then are the people listed, the number after the name is the birth year. B: 1-2 means children under 15 years, boys - girls.
And as in the church books, h = hustru (wife), B = brother, dr = dreng (farm hand) etc. Ask if you need more info.

Re: Japhet Pietaripoika Kähkönen census or death

Lähetetty: 09.11.2013 20:36
Kirjoittaja Katie
Thank you Eevah for your direction. I'll go to the link and see what is there. I thought it would be hard to get information after 1900 but thought I would ask before I close that record.
Thanks for your help, I appreciate it.

Re: Japhet Pietaripoika Kähkönen census or death

Lähetetty: 09.11.2013 22:55
Kirjoittaja Timo
Although the Henkikirjat may be the closest equivalent to census records in Finland, they certainly are not the most helpful resource for genealogists in Finland as they do not contain that many details and only include numbers of children in families, not their names.

The church records usually contain far more information and are invaluable sources. In the case of Kähkönens, you should check the archives of the parish of Paltamo.
Paltamo, Communion book 1880-1890: ... 2&pnum=395
Paltamo, Book of children 1861-1890: ... 4&pnum=241
Paltamo, Communion book 1891-1900: ... 73&pnum=17
Paltamo, Book of children 1891-1900: ... 715&pnum=8
Unfortunately, only members of FFHA can access the links.

The books show the Kähkönen family living in a mäkitupa called Uusitalo. A mäkitupa was a dwelling on a small piece of rented land. Until 1890 Uusitalo is listed as being part of farm 37, Pitkäaho, in the hamlet Mieslahti, and from 1891 it is listed under farm 6, Karhu, in the hamlet Härmänmäki. I don't really know the reason for this change, you would have to ask someone more familiar with the parish.

Both Jafet and Eeva were alive in 1900. If you want the dates of their deaths, your best bet would be to contact the Paltamo congregation office.

Jafet's birthdate matches in the one you have, but Eeva's does not, so I traced her backwards. The following are links to older books which can be accessed by anyone.

Paltamo, Communion book 1868-1879: ... 43/445.htm is the earliest record in which Jafet and Eeva are together

Paltamo, Communion book 1868-1879: ... 43/211.htm
Paltamo, Communion book 1868-1879: ... 43/372.htm
These are records from Eeva's time as an unmarried worker.

Paltamo, Communion book 1868-1879: ... 43/233.htm
Paltamo, Communion book 1858-1867: ... 85/203.htm
Paltamo, Communion book 1851-1857: ... 184/64.htm
Paltamo, Communion book 1842-1850: ... 184/57.htm
Puolanka, Communion book 1842-1850: ... 171/11.htm
These records show Eeva in the Leinonen family.

Puolanka, Births 1825-1848: ... 172/69.htm

The Eeva Leinonen who was born in Paltamo in 1852 just happens to share a name. Jafet's wife was born in Puolanka on 1844-12-30 and baptized on 1845-01-26. When she was first entered in the communion book these two dates were mixed up, and for the rest of her life she was listed as being born on 1844-01-26.

Re: Japhet Pietaripoika Kähkönen census or death

Lähetetty: 09.11.2013 23:59
Kirjoittaja Katie
Thank you Timo
The findings you show links to look very interesting and I'll certainly take a look at them and make my changes. I am an FFHA member and use the site a lot but unfortunately when I start to go into 1700's I have a hard time reading the entries and need help, thanks to all of you. You all do such good work taking care of us and leading us through the search for our ancestors. It does not go unappreciated, let me tell you.
Thanks again, I'll check out those links.