Swedish weblinks

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Viestit: 558
Liittynyt: 31.03.2011 07:09

Swedish weblinks

Viesti Kirjoittaja Katie » 23.08.2013 00:45

I have a relative that I believe was born in Sweden and am wondering if anyone would know of weblinks that are similar to Hiski and that I could access online. It would be so helpful if I could find an online access that would translate into English. Even if it was in Swedish, I think my translating softwares may be abe to translate for me. You know we Americans have a hard enough time learning our own language let alone a second language and that is why we depend so heavily on your help and appreciate what you do to help us.
Thank You

Viestit: 487
Liittynyt: 27.06.2008 01:05

Re: Swedish weblinks

Viesti Kirjoittaja taltta » 27.08.2013 13:36

Hi, some search pages you might try (free resources):

1. "Databas för släktforskning" (by Föreningen Släktdata)
Not all the parishes or their books are included (see "Registerlista")

2. "Släktforskarens Google" by ScanGen (Skånsk Släktforskning)
http://www.scangen.se/personsok.php?hel ... start=true

This is a search engine, which uses multiple search pages that you can select on/off on the seach page (bottom of page). Note that Släktdata is already included in the sources. Familysearch too.

BRs taltta

Viestit: 558
Liittynyt: 31.03.2011 07:09

Re: Swedish weblinks

Viesti Kirjoittaja Katie » 27.08.2013 19:51

Thank you so much for getting back to me on my question. I'll check into these links you sent me. One more question. This website, phpBB, is extremely helpful for our searches and all the people that help us are so helpful and valuable to us getting our information. Is there a comprable website in Sweden where one may submit questions?

Thanks again for the weblinks you sent me

Viestit: 487
Liittynyt: 27.06.2008 01:05

Re: Swedish weblinks

Viesti Kirjoittaja taltta » 27.08.2013 22:35

Ok, I think the best known genealogy forum in Sweden is the Anbytarforum.

BRs taltta

Viestit: 558
Liittynyt: 31.03.2011 07:09

Re: Swedish weblinks

Viesti Kirjoittaja Katie » 27.08.2013 23:41

Thank you, taltta for the link. I can work with that site, but I LIKE this one BETTER. I'm used to the format and all of you kind people helping me.
Have a nice week.

Viestit: 487
Liittynyt: 27.06.2008 01:05

Re: Swedish weblinks

Viesti Kirjoittaja taltta » 28.08.2013 11:02

Hi, there is an additional search source called "Indiko" (Ecclesiastical registers on the net). If you don't mind using Java, then that might work for you. http://rystad.ddb.umu.se/indiko/index_en.html

When the Java installations are ok, and you *agree to conditions of use (of Indiko) you can get an applet to work. The applet shows the search databases. BRs, taltta

P.S. *each session

Viestit: 558
Liittynyt: 31.03.2011 07:09

Re: Swedish weblinks

Viesti Kirjoittaja Katie » 28.08.2013 20:26

Thank you, taltta for this link. I do have Java installed in my computer and will look at it this afternoon.
I appreciate your help.

Viestit: 558
Liittynyt: 31.03.2011 07:09

Re: Swedish weblinks

Viesti Kirjoittaja Katie » 28.08.2013 21:07

I was able to bring up the link, but unfortunately I can not get it to translate or display in English. I can see where information can be entered such as names and dates, but there is no toolbar that shows on the link where I can translate. Any ideas on how to resolve this.

Viestit: 487
Liittynyt: 27.06.2008 01:05

Re: Swedish weblinks

Viesti Kirjoittaja taltta » 29.08.2013 00:24

In the Java applet menu, choose "Inställningar" / "Språk" / "English". Tried it just now and it *worked.

P.S. * at least when using latest Firefox browser 23.0.1.

Viestit: 558
Liittynyt: 31.03.2011 07:09

Re: Swedish weblinks

Viesti Kirjoittaja Katie » 29.08.2013 01:56

So Firefox is the key. I have that but was using I.E. I'll switch over and try it again.
Thank you for the advice.

Vastaa Viestiin