Daniel HENRICKSON - advice please

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Viestit: 410
Liittynyt: 16.11.2009 19:50
Paikkakunta: Joensuu

Re: Daniel HENRICKSON - advice please

Viesti Kirjoittaja TapaniKoo » 19.01.2013 13:55

KIVENNAPA sijaitsi 14 mailin etäisyydellä Venäjän ja Suomen silloisessta 1860-luvun rajasta.
KOOMENY ja KIVENNAPA on sanapari, jonka vuoksi tarjolle tulee sijaintinsa sopivuuden perusteella yksi paikkakunta lisää.
Mutta entäpäs Danielin isoveli? Onko mitään lisätietoa, mikä etunimi isoveljellä oli?

Viestit: 275
Liittynyt: 22.03.2011 17:23

Re: Daniel HENRICKSON - advice please

Viesti Kirjoittaja timotk » 19.01.2013 15:03

KIVENNAPA sijaitsi 14 mailin etäisyydellä Venäjän ja Suomen silloisessta 1860-luvun rajasta.
KOOMENY ja KIVENNAPA on sanapari, jonka vuoksi tarjolle tulee sijaintinsa sopivuuden perusteella yksi paikkakunta lisää.
Mutta entäpäs Danielin isoveli? Onko mitään lisätietoa, mikä etunimi isoveljellä oli?
TapaniKoo requests in this quote for the given name of the elder brother of Daniel.
He proposes Kivennapa which is 14 miles from the old border.

For a through search for exact or "sound-like" toponyms, look here.
You can switch the language to English. The area covered is the ceded part of Karelia, between the borders of 1920 and 1939.
The border of 1860 was in broad terms equal to that of 1920 on the Isthmus between Gulf of Finland and Lake Ladoga.
If you type KYMI in the "Search by place name:" window, you will see a number of toponyms that are related to Kymi, including K and M. This does not include Kivennapa, since it does not include M. Oviously the consonants are important in the search. When you click at the name that is of interest, that area is displayed. Happy surfing!

Please use the Forsberg alternative also. It came my mind that farm hands did not typically have surnames. Possibly Forsberg was somehow related to his presumed Swedish origin, and could have been his birthplace (in Sweden?).

Rgds, Timo

Viestit: 33
Liittynyt: 12.01.2013 09:16

Re: Daniel HENRICKSON - advice please

Viesti Kirjoittaja beg » 20.01.2013 06:17

Hi again...

Velcro has a family story that her grandfather Daniel had an older brother Andrew and three sisters named Pearl, Annie and Herma. Their ages are unknown. The accuracy of this family story is also unknown.

Another story is that Daniel's brother Andrew went to California with their father Aron to study medicine. Possibly sometime in the 1880's. Aron was the village doctor in Koomeny.


Thanks for the toponym link, Timo. I had to google the meaning of "toponym" because I've never heard of it before :-)

And thanks TapaniKoo for the Kivennapa suggestion. Another parish to add to my list.

All the best

Viestit: 487
Liittynyt: 27.06.2008 01:05

Re: Daniel HENRICKSON - advice please

Viesti Kirjoittaja taltta » 20.01.2013 21:17

Hi, this piece of history could be vital in the identification of the right Daniel.

"Another Family story (from: http://www.rootschat.com/forum/index.ph ... msg4792544)
"As far as they can remember learning from "Granny" (Susannah HENRICKSON ) GGrandfather :Aaron HENRICKSON was a doctor? He wanted Daniel to follow in his footsteps. However, He was more interested in the sea. His brother Andrew went with the father to California to study medicine.

Grandfather, "Daniel HENRICKSON" spoke only "broken English" all his life & found it difficult to communicate with his family. Sometimes his wife assumed that from Daniel's stories, that he had a brother Andrew and at least 3 sisters, named: Pearl, Annie and Herma.These names he passed on to his own daughters. Whether or not there were more in the family, she doesn't know."

Andrew = Anders (later Antti),
Pearl = means Helmi, which is a correct name,
Annie = Anna or Anni,
Herma = Herman?? (brother, or is there another alternative; Hilma might be too different?)

Assuming Daniel created an alias, my guess is that he most probably kept his name and slightly altered the date of birth and perhaps his father's name.
Did he fill in the naturalisation document himself or is there a possibility that another person heard him wrong? (affecting e.g. date and place of birth)
Can a family with father Aron and children Anders, Helmi, Anna, Herman and Daniel be found? (Daniel/? may have been born around 1858-1862??)
Was the house possibly called Heikkilä?

Anyway, I would look for the above siblings or somewhat similar combination of siblings. Maybe this what you have already done for many years now ?
BRs, taltta

Viestit: 275
Liittynyt: 22.03.2011 17:23

Re: Daniel HENRICKSON - advice please

Viesti Kirjoittaja timotk » 20.01.2013 23:04

Let us elaborate what 14 miles could have meant. If the person was of Swedish-speaking background, he may have been speaking of Swedish mil (Finnish peninkulma) which is close to 10 kilometers. That is 140 km or 88 British miles.

Now if he knew only hearsay information that he could not verify (or did not have any reason to do so), he would have seen 14 miles as a correct expression. But in the English environment it was badly wrong, since it was understood as British miles.

Rgds, Timo

Viestit: 33
Liittynyt: 12.01.2013 09:16

Re: Daniel HENRICKSON - advice please

Viesti Kirjoittaja beg » 21.01.2013 05:19

Hi again...

Interesting thoughts. I think I'll have to take a second look at the Kymi/Kymmene and Raahe/Brahestad parish registers. Previously I was just concentrating on 1860 births and the name Daniel. This time I'll need to include the other names and a wider time period.

Kymi, Raahe plus the surrounding parishes means I'm basically re-starting at square one. Many miles/mils to go :-)

I would look for [...] a combination of siblings. Maybe this what you have already done for many years now ?
I've only been looking for three weeks. Velcro, the grand-daughter of Daniel, has been looking for twenty years. I am just someone on the internet trying to help her.

I've not researched in Finland before so it's all new. I really appreciate the help of this board.

If you ever want help in researching New Zealand or Australia let me know :-)


Viestit: 487
Liittynyt: 27.06.2008 01:05

Re: Daniel HENRICKSON - advice please

Viesti Kirjoittaja taltta » 21.01.2013 16:04

Hi, yet another scenario would perhaps be that Aron (or Abr(ah)am?) lived in Raahe at some point and then moved to a place sounding like Koomeny. Or it can also be vice versa. Anyway, the moving records (muuttaneet) of Raahe (Brahestad) are available on the sukuhistoria.fi pages. Unfortunately they are not in the Hiski database, where they could be easily searched.
(In case these records have not been searched before)

http://www.sukuhistoria.fi/sshy/kirjat/ ... isto_1.htm
On the left side, moved in = "inflyttade" and on the right side moved out = "utflyttade" (if "läkare" (doctor) Aron were found that would be a major find)

http://www.sukuhistoria.fi/sshy/kirjat/ ... isto_1.htm
Its is perhaps more likely to find a promising Daniel (or Danjel or Daniil) here.
BRs taltta

Viestit: 487
Liittynyt: 27.06.2008 01:05

Re: Daniel HENRICKSON - advice please

Viesti Kirjoittaja taltta » 23.01.2013 06:41

Another alternative for "Herma" could perhaps be Henrika. Note that Henrika would be a sister (as was supposed to be). The names of the siblings (if there are no mix-ups with uncles and aunts) can be used but I doubt that a perfect combination can be found (using Hiski or Katiha or records of children). Hoping however that things fall into place.

Further it is assumed that sufficient coverage of archives is available. This may not be the case, if indeed the family were living in Kronstadt. The Estonian archives in Saaga (/Church records) are found at: http://www.ra.ee/dgs/explorer.php (and a user account can be created at: http://www.ra.ee/vau/index.php/en/account/create). As far as I see, there is no Kronstadt related material in the archives. There was no joy with "Kogudus : Viljandi Pauluse Abikogudus Pihtkond : eesti Hoiukoht : AJALOOARHIIV Fondi nr : 1290" , which i wanted to confirm.

Going back to Familysearch, can anyone find those Kronstadt books on Familysearch?

This 2010 guideline from Sukuforum might not work anymore? (maybe it is also browser-dependent?)

"Selasitko kohdasta 'Browse our record collections' mormoonien sivulla?
Sen alla Venäjä löytyy kilauttamalla Eurooppaa ja sitten Russiaa. "
= Russia is found by clicking first Europe and then Russia.

"St Petersburgin alla on Kronstadt suoraan ja St. Petersburgin (Kreis) alta löytyy Pietarin seurakuntien joukosta P.Marian srk (eli Pietarin suomalainen)"
= Kronstadt is found right below St. Petersburg, and below St.Petersburg (Kreis), among the congregations there's also the St. Maria's congregation (Finnish).
Please note that the above might not be accurate anymore.

Edit: update
Kronstadt is not found anymore. Furthermore St.Petersburg (Санктпетербург) cannot be accessed either (by using common user account).

BRs taltta
Viimeksi muokannut taltta, 24.01.2013 04:43. Yhteensä muokattu 1 kertaa.

Viestit: 33
Liittynyt: 12.01.2013 09:16

Re: Daniel HENRICKSON - advice please

Viesti Kirjoittaja beg » 23.01.2013 11:07

Hi all again...

Thanks for the naming suggestions Taltta.

I'm doing what you said and looking for Daniel and Aron HENRICKSON in the moving records. I had previously looked in the Raahe moving records with no success but will have a more detailed look later. For the moment I'm looking through the moving records for the Kymenlaakso region, an area suggested by Timo.

I have found several Daniel HENRICKSONs but have been able to eliminate them using the Rippikirja and Lastenkirja.

Except for the following Daniel...

No.205 - Daniel HENRIKSSON - Virolahti Utflyttade 1877
http://www.sukuhistoria.fi/sshy/kirjat/ ... 1-3/21.htm

Is this the same person in the Virolahti Lastenkirja...

Page 559 - Daniel HENRIKSSON and Lisa JOHANSDOTTER
http://www.sukuhistoria.fi/sshy/kirjat/ ... 45/275.htm

The muuttaneet says "drengen" which I thought was a young unmarried man. There is no Rippikirja for either Virolahti or Vehkalahti.

Any suggestions?


Also I can't trace the following person. Can you please help.

No.6 - Aron HEIKKENEN - Virolahti Inflyttade 1876

http://www.sukuhistoria.fi/sshy/kirjat/ ... 1-3/11.htm

Does "utan anon" mean travelling alone.

Thanks once again for your help.


Viestit: 275
Liittynyt: 22.03.2011 17:23

Re: Daniel HENRICKSON - advice please

Viesti Kirjoittaja timotk » 23.01.2013 12:15

There is no Rippikirja for either Virolahti or Vehkalahti.
If you have not yet seen Vehkalahti parish archives of Arkistolaitos (National Archive of Finland a.k.a. narc), see here:

The same source for Virolahti:

The images shown on these pages are made from the same original film material as that of SSHY, but possibly from a different secondary copy, and the images may have less contrast and be darker or lighter.

You should learn to use different kind of interface. No need to use scroll bars, but instead use mouse and button push, then move the image sideways. Needed if you zoom in.
Sorry, no indexes, no date information to facilitate the searches.

Probably the text is utan anor, which is no ancestors.

Rgds Timo

Viestit: 487
Liittynyt: 27.06.2008 01:05

Re: Daniel HENRICKSON - advice please

Viesti Kirjoittaja taltta » 23.01.2013 14:56

For some parishes, there are indices available at http://digihakemisto.appspot.com/
As this is a voluntary project for making indices, anyone can contribute and write an index (or part of it). These are for the mostly non-indexed archives of narc.fi.
There are two views of the church records, original and that via the Astia-service. (I like the Astia view better)

In this case Vehkalahti is more or less covered in:
http://digihakemisto.appspot.com/index_ ... an+arkisto

Virolahti (note the titles in bold)
http://digihakemisto.appspot.com/index_ ... an+arkisto


Viestit: 487
Liittynyt: 27.06.2008 01:05

Re: Daniel HENRICKSON - advice please

Viesti Kirjoittaja taltta » 23.01.2013 17:50

Aron Heikkinen moves (alone) to Viborg landsförsamling/maaseurakunta 31.10.1878 (nr. 308)
http://www.sukuhistoria.fi/sshy/sivut/j ... 06&pnum=25
However the critical moving records before 1881 are missing. Hiski doesn't show him getting married in Viipuri, or having children or dying.

Aron was in Viipuri also before (edit: 1875-*1875* in Viipuri tuomiokirkkoseurakunta, I checked that he didn't move there now)
( If I traced him correctly, this Aron was born 6.11.1848 and his father was David Heikkinen in Kuopio msrk. Aron -> Lappee-> Viipuri (*straight to*)-> Virolahti -> Viipuri again)
(http://www.sukuhistoria.fi/sshy/sivut/j ... 6&pnum=408)

There were many parishes and not all of the archives are available and only a small part can be searched with Hiski and Katiha.

Viimeksi muokannut taltta, 24.01.2013 00:36. Yhteensä muokattu 1 kertaa.

Viestit: 1285
Liittynyt: 09.08.2006 00:16
Paikkakunta: San Jose

Re: Daniel HENRICKSON - advice please

Viesti Kirjoittaja jani » 23.01.2013 18:39

When talking about Viipurin tuomiokirkkoseurakunta, please keep in mind that these records were destroyed during the war:
Rippikirjat 1849-1930
Lastenkirjat 1861-1919
Muuttaneet 1880-1930
Syntyneet 1901-1938
Kuulutetut 1881-1938
Vihityt 1913-1938
Kuolleet 1903-1935
----- Jani Koski -----

Viestit: 275
Liittynyt: 22.03.2011 17:23

Re: Daniel HENRICKSON - advice please

Viesti Kirjoittaja timotk » 23.01.2013 21:26

Hi taltta, how did you find that Aron was in Lappee? I have spent a LOT of time with the records of Lappee. Since he was a moving person, it is not a simple thing to find him while in Lappee. So any hint would be appreciated. I'm just curious to see more data of him.

Rgds, Timo

Viestit: 487
Liittynyt: 27.06.2008 01:05

Re: Daniel HENRICKSON - advice please

Viesti Kirjoittaja taltta » 23.01.2013 23:38

Lappee rippikirja, 1873-1879, Ihalainen (Ihalais) nro 3 Askola row 9
http://www.sukuhistoria.fi/sshy/sivut/j ... 8&pnum=206
Dreng (farm hand) Aron Heikkinen b. 6.11.1848 (came from Kuopio msrk 18.3.1874)

Lappee muuttaneet, 1873-1879, 1875 sisään/ulos (hard to read)
Drengen Aron Heikkinen from Ihalais moves 8.10.1875 to Viborg (5th entry on the right)
http://www.sukuhistoria.fi/sshy/sivut/j ... 600&pnum=7

Hiski (*first time he moves to Tuomiokirkkoseurakunta, and the second time (1878 from Virolahti) to Viborg Maaseurakunta)
*Minne/where to Mistä/where from
Lähtöpäivä Saapumispäivä Kylä Talo Henkilö Kohde
*8.10.1875 10.11.1875 Drg Aron Heikkinen Lappvesi (=Lappee)

I have the links to relevant pages from Kuopio to Lappee, but for simplicity I'm not pasting those here (yet anyway).

It seems that Aron Heikkinen got a certificate of removal to Helsinki, which was dated 22.12.1875. In the entry 6 (when moving to Virolahti instead) it says "22.10" OR most likely the lower part is not showing and it should read 22.12.1875. This would match exactly what Hiski says at the Viipuri end.

Viipurin tuomiokirkkoseurakunta, utflyttade/poismuuttaneet
Mistä Minne
Lähtöpäivä Saapumispäivä Kylä Talo Henkilö Kohde
*22.12.1875 drg Aron Heikkinen H:fors
alkup - MUVV: 1875
alkup - LVV: 1875
alkup - SIVU: 32
alkup - ABSIVU: B
alkup - RIVI: 2
alkup - MKNRO: 368
t. taltta
P.S the abbreviation "utan anm." = "utan anmärkning" and refers to the nature of the certificate of removal and means that there is nothing to complain.
Personally I have not seen that kind of text before. Quite often person's reputation and (dis)abilities were also evaluated in that certificate. (opp.: med anm.)

Vastaa Viestiin