Daniel HENRICKSON - advice please

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Viestit: 33
Liittynyt: 12.01.2013 09:16

Re: Daniel HENRICKSON - advice please

Viesti Kirjoittaja beg » 24.01.2013 02:41

Hi again...

Thank you Timo for the links.

I was searching narc using the words "Virolahti" and "Vehkalahti" instead of "Virolahden" and "Vehkalahden". Not speaking Finnish is a bit of a drawback. From now on I'll search for parishes just using the first few letters e.g Virola, Vehka etc

Thank you Taltta for the link to Digihakemisto. An excellent site. It should be made compulsory that every Finnish high school student transcribe one page during computer class. The entire archive would be transcribed in a few weeks.

Thanks for tracing Aron HEIKKENEN. I was hoping he was a brother of Daniel but obviously not.

And I'll assume drengen Daniel HENRIKSSON is the Daniel married to Lisa JOHANSDOTTER.

The search continues :-)


Viestit: 487
Liittynyt: 27.06.2008 01:05

Re: Daniel HENRICKSON - advice please

Viesti Kirjoittaja taltta » 30.01.2013 22:29

Was Daniels mother's name *Eliza? (Elisabeth or Lisa or Liisa)

(* http://www.rootschat.com/forum/index.ph ... =629681.20)

You probably checked this one already (range in search 1855-1865), so I'll wait for answer before pursueing.

Kymi Kymmene
Syntynyt Kastettu Kylä Talo Isä Äiti Lapsi
*13.1.1859 15.1.1859 Kutsalö Suutari Bs Aron Michelsson hu Lisa Simonsdotter 26 Daniel

BRs, taltta

Viestit: 33
Liittynyt: 12.01.2013 09:16

Re: Daniel HENRICKSON - advice please

Viesti Kirjoittaja beg » 31.01.2013 02:52

Hello Taltaa...

No I hadn't checked that Daniel but I have now :-)

I can find the 1860 Lastenkirjat and Rippikirjat entries but they both mention "1864 p.191"

Would this refer to the family leaving Kymi. Unfortunately I can't find the 1864 muuttaneiden luettelot.

Just noting that the lastenkirjat has no mention of siblings.

Syntyneiden ja kastettujen luettelot 1853-1881 p.67

Lastenkirjat 1860-1872 p.176

Pää- ja rippikirjat 1860-1870 p.176


Would you know how many parishes there are in Finland. SSHY has about 500. I was wondering if there was an exact number.

And is there an overall list of existing records.

So far I have looked through about four hundred "syntyneiden ja kastettujen luettelot". Time consuming but fairly straightforward as I'm only checking 1860 (except for Kymi and Raahe both of which I am checking 1850 to 1865)

I am thinking I will soon have to look through 500 rippikirjat and lastenkirjat. A much bigger job as I'm sure you know. One thousand books at even one a week is twenty years :-)


Can you please explain how to search the digihakemisto.appspot website. If I search for "Daniel" using "google-haku tältä sivustolta" it returns only thirty hits. Searching for Aron returns only five hits. Am I doing something wrong.

Thanks very much for your help :-)

All the best

Viestit: 487
Liittynyt: 27.06.2008 01:05

Re: Daniel HENRICKSON - advice please

Viesti Kirjoittaja taltta » 31.01.2013 05:15

Family simply moves to page 191 in 1864 and here its is on the right side: Kutsalö (nr. 8 Mulli /) Inhysingar

This Daniel had a sister Amalia b. 5.4.1866 and a brother Reinhold b. 26.6.1869 (up to 1872 in Kymi)

In the CB the number of the page is the same as you noted, 6th and 5th names from the bottom on page 191

However there is no note of moving, so if further records existed, they'd still be there after 1872.

Information on parishes: http://hiski.genealogia.fi/seurakunnat/index.html
Etsi seurakunta / search for parish entry Kymi gives the Kymi parish as well a something called "Kymin linnoitus" (congregation of a military fort) which has their Communion record Rippikirjat 1839-1849 only (microfilm/fiche 55722). Those do not seem to be on the net at all. (the 1839-1849 information was from the "black books")

The henkikirjat of Viipurin lääni (1870, 1875, 1880) are of interest here.
http://digi.narc.fi/digi/dosearch.ka?sartun=220835.KA (select show all / kaikki at the bottom of the page)

Henkikirjat > Viipurin läänin henkikirjat > Henkikirjat > Henkikirja 1875-1875 (Vi:122)
http://digi.narc.fi/digi/view.ka?kuid=303125 (where people of Kutsalö 7 and 8 are combined)
The family is not in the same place or just not mentioned. It's possible though that they are elsewhere. OR they have moved from Kymi before 1875.

EDIT: They are here http://digi.narc.fi/digi/view.ka?kuid=303124 below Kutsalö 1, line starting with Inh. Aron Michelsson
On the right there are children: B. Daniel, 1-1 (1 boy and a girl)

1880: still there, the same

1885: still there in Kutsalö 1, Aron goes by the name Aron Suutari
David should read Daniel, brother Reinhold not found here.

It seems very unlikely that this Daniel b.13.1.1859 in Kymi is your guy as he is 26 and still in Finland.

BRs taltta

Viestit: 487
Liittynyt: 27.06.2008 01:05

Re: Daniel HENRICKSON - advice please

Viesti Kirjoittaja taltta » 31.01.2013 16:09

You can get the number of parishes from Hiski as follows:
1. go to page http://hiski.genealogia.fi/historia/til ... =en&alue=0
2. copy paste lines into a spreadsheet program (I use OpenOffice Calc)
3. You get 548 lines and so as many parishes (trying to copy paste from Hiski search list does not work)

*Not all parishes are found in Hiski, due to burnt church records or other reasons such as destruction of books during wars.
The number 548 should be quite close to the total number, but not exactly right. I noticed that e.g. my home parish is missing. The status should be almost all purple anyway ("7 no books (either the parish did not exist at the time or the books have been lost or have not been kept"). There are other parishes, which are missing too. This is probably because the "black books" are missing (*) on those parishes and so the Hiski work was never started because of it. (Ideally there should be a line for each and very parish - even an all-purple one)

The updating date of the page http://hiski.genealogia.fi/historia/til ... =en&alue=0 is not known to me.

Anyway this status list is a good basis for covering every parish - if you want - around 1860. Katiha has a good map of its coverage area.

"Can you please explain how to search the digihakemisto.appspot website. If I search for "Daniel" using "google-haku tältä sivustolta" it returns only thirty hits. Searching for Aron returns only five hits. Am I doing something wrong."

The indices do not normally contain names at all. Very rarely they do (maybe much less that 10% of cases) and you got to see those exception only. Unfortunately the names themselves in the communion and children's records are *not searchable.
(* a low-coverage project partially covering 12 parishes exists, but doesnt reach the year 1860, http://hiski.genealogia.fi/rk/)

That is why you only got so few hits with google when searching the site for a name. But you can search for places at digihakemisto.appspot.com (after selecting an archive). For example: search for kutsalö at :
http://digihakemisto.appspot.com/index_ ... an+arkisto

This corresponds to somewhat similar search at sukuhistoria.fi site (after entering section for members (jäsenille) and archive).

BRs taltta

Viestit: 275
Liittynyt: 22.03.2011 17:23

Re: Daniel HENRICKSON - advice please

Viesti Kirjoittaja timotk » 31.01.2013 22:46

Hi Beg,

This attached map should help you localise the whereabouts of the parishes.
This is actually a map of municipalities, not parishes. But at the 1920's the borders mostly were equal.

Some errors can be observed. For instance, Lappeenranta was an island (a town) within Lappee. A similar case may exist also elsewhere around the towns.


Municipalities 1920.jpg
Municipalities 1920.jpg (155.4 KiB) Katsottu 14384 kertaa

Viestit: 487
Liittynyt: 27.06.2008 01:05

Re: Daniel HENRICKSON - advice please

Viesti Kirjoittaja taltta » 01.02.2013 00:06

Just had to add a link to map of Viipuri and surrounding areas. This is from 1914 and maybe suitable for looking into those names still.

Btw, as for villages of municipalities, the lower search box on the page also accepts partial names and so you can search for kuu (or maybe kyy?) or kuum etc. http://hiski.genealogia.fi/seurakunnat/index.html

There is a village called Kuuminainen belonging to Pori. I took a look at that also, but found no interesting birth years or names in the communion book (or in Hiski).

BRs, taltta

Viestit: 33
Liittynyt: 12.01.2013 09:16

Re: Daniel HENRICKSON - advice please

Viesti Kirjoittaja beg » 01.02.2013 03:15

Hi again...

Thanks for answering my questions. A wealth of information. It will take me a day or two to "incorporate" it all (sisällyttää?) but it certainly helps. Thanks again.


Interestingly (or not) I thought Daniel was an uncommon name in Finland until I was looking through the Virolahti Lastenkirja 1855-1866. It seemed as though most pages had at least one Daniel (either father or son) and many pages had several. One page even had five Daniels. No idea why so many Daniels in such a small area. But sadly still no Daniel, son of Aron.

I will go through the Virolahti Lastenkirja again at a later date because there are a few Daniels born in Aug 1860, like this one on p.236...

http://www.sukuhistoria.fi/sshy/kirjat/ ... 28/117.htm.


Viestit: 487
Liittynyt: 27.06.2008 01:05

Re: Daniel HENRICKSON - advice please

Viesti Kirjoittaja taltta » 04.02.2013 04:03

Hi, it seems that Jani and some other people have been quite busy and e.g. new books on Kymi are now found.

http://www.sukuhistoria.fi/sshy/sivut/j ... ukausi.php
http://www.sukuhistoria.fi/sshy/sivut_e ... p?plid=261

Especially this (those moved out)
2013-02-04 01:37:14 Kymi - Kymmene Moving Records 1863-1888 I Ba:2
http://www.sukuhistoria.fi/sshy/sivut_e ... ?bid=20695

is interesting if you want to use "border control" type of searching, BRs taltta

2013-02-04 02:21:24 Kymi - Kymmene Marriage Banns 1901-1906
2013-02-04 02:20:21 Kymi - Kymmene Marriage Banns 1887-1900 I Ec:2
2013-02-04 01:37:19 Kymi - Kymmene Moving Records 1888-1893 I Ba:2
2013-02-04 01:37:14 Kymi - Kymmene Moving Records 1863-1888 I Ba:2
2013-02-04 01:37:01 Kymi - Kymmene Moving Records 1894-1905
2013-02-04 01:35:48 Kymi - Kymmene Moving Records 1889-1893 I Ba:1
2013-02-04 01:35:41 Kymi - Kymmene Moving Records 1869-1888 I Ba:1
2013-02-01 02:25:44 Kymi - Kymmene Death Records 1900-1906
2013-02-01 02:25:38 Kymi - Kymmene Death Records 1889-1899 I Eb:1
2013-02-01 02:25:22 Kymi - Kymmene Death Records 1885-1888 I Eb:1
2013-02-01 00:42:35 Kymi - Kymmene Marriage Records 1901-1906
2013-02-01 00:42:28 Kymi - Kymmene Marriage Records 1888-1899 I Eb:1
2013-02-01 00:42:20 Kymi - Kymmene Marriage Records 1882-1888 I Eb:1
2013-02-01 00:42:04 Kymi - Kymmene Marriage Records 1853-1882 I C:6
2013-01-31 22:52:31 Kymi - Kymmene Birth Records 1889-1897 I C:8
2013-01-31 22:29:36 Kymi - Kymmene Birth Records 1898-1904
2013-01-31 21:32:26 Kymi - Kymmene Preconfirmation Records 1890-1899 I Ab:8-9
2013-01-31 21:32:10 Kymi - Kymmene Preconfirmation Records 1880-1890 I Ab:7
2013-01-31 21:31:01 Kymi - Kymmene Communion Book 1890-1899 I Aa:15-17

Viestit: 1285
Liittynyt: 09.08.2006 00:16
Paikkakunta: San Jose

Re: Daniel HENRICKSON - advice please

Viesti Kirjoittaja jani » 04.02.2013 04:55

I'm still waiting on some additional information on a couple "death records" books, but other than that all the Kymi material that has been digitized is now online.
----- Jani Koski -----

Viestit: 33
Liittynyt: 12.01.2013 09:16

Re: Daniel HENRICKSON - advice please

Viesti Kirjoittaja beg » 04.02.2013 08:35

Hello again all...

Thanks very much for the Kymi links. Your help is, as ever, greatly appreciated.

I've finished looking through the available 1860 births with no success so I guess I'll start on the rest of the Books. Kymi Moving seems as good a place as any to start :-)

EDIT: Ooops - members only. Will need to have a word with Velcro

All the best

Viestit: 33
Liittynyt: 12.01.2013 09:16

Re: Daniel HENRICKSON - advice please

Viesti Kirjoittaja beg » 16.02.2013 10:38

Hi all...

The following is a link to an 1881 crew list which mentions an Andrew HENDRICKSON born in 1846.
Can anyone recognise the birthplace mentioned. I'm hoping it's a place in Finland.



EDIT: Aalsund, Norway according to a different crew-list. Sorry about that :-)

Will check out the Norwegian archives anyway.


Many thanks

Viestit: 33
Liittynyt: 12.01.2013 09:16

Re: Daniel HENRICKSON - advice please

Viesti Kirjoittaja beg » 19.02.2013 11:34


Would it be possible for someone to translate the comments in the entry for Daniel b.5 Aug 1859, son of Daniel HENRIKSON and Maria PETTERSDOTTER

Page 26
Kymi Lastenkirjat 1860-1872

Daniel's parents died in 1868 and I was wondering who raised Daniel after that date.

Page 26
Kymi Pää- ja rippikirjat 1860-1870

As ever, many thanks
Beg :-)

Viestit: 275
Liittynyt: 22.03.2011 17:23

Re: Daniel HENRICKSON - advice please

Viesti Kirjoittaja timotk » 19.02.2013 13:19

beg kirjoitti:Hello...

Would it be possible for someone to translate the comments in the entry for Daniel b.5 Aug 1859, son of Daniel HENRIKSON and Maria PETTERSDOTTER

Page 26
Kymi Lastenkirjat 1860-1872

Daniel's parents died in 1868 and I was wondering who raised Daniel after that date.
1. Anna Kihli (farmer's widow) had the fostership of Daniel and Thomas. Obviously, later on Simon Takala had the fostership of (at least) Daniel.
beg kirjoitti:Page 26
Kymi Pää- ja rippikirjat 1860-1870

As ever, many thanks
Beg :-)
2. Daniel Henricsson was a male cousin of Michel (i.e. the two were sons of brothers).
Eric Danielsson b 1850 was admitted to 1st communion in 1865.

Viestit: 33
Liittynyt: 12.01.2013 09:16

Re: Daniel HENRICKSON - advice please

Viesti Kirjoittaja beg » 20.02.2013 00:44

Thanks Timo

Looks like a red herring , or the Finnish equivalent thereof :-)


Vastaa Viestiin