Anders Johansson Pijppo 1803 Info

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Viestit: 7
Liittynyt: 14.01.2017 06:39

Anders Johansson Pijppo 1803 Info

Viesti Kirjoittaja TWahl » 01.02.2017 06:57

Kemi Parish. Anders Johansson Pijppo was born on 19 Feb 1803. He is shown in the communion records ... 74&pnum=16. He is shown as married with one daughter Anna Maria. He was married on the 28 Mar 1826 ... 948&pnum=3 What is his profession?. Following him back to the confirmation info ... 49&pnum=24 he is shown in 1819 but without a birth date. The question is, why does the communion book show parents as Johann born 1754 died 1823 and Maria born 1760 died in 1823, yet shows no info on any dates for having taken communion. Why is this? Trying to follow the son Olaf it references page 5, but nowhere when I look for page 5 or a 5 reference do I find Olaf. Anders has 5 more children that were born and died young that are not in the communion record but in the birth and death records. Why are they not shown, yet other young children are? I looked in the move records between 1817 and 1819 and I don’t this family moving in. On the Pijppo page from 1813-1819 ... 85&pnum=15 seem to be completely replaced with a different set of people than are in the 1820-1826 record. So what am I missing? I am new to Finnish genealogy so just trying to figure this all out. Any help would be appreciated.

Viestit: 107
Liittynyt: 16.12.2010 11:04

Re: Anders Johansson Pijppo 1803 Info

Viesti Kirjoittaja Timo » 02.02.2017 00:31

In the marriage record, Anders is referred to as Bonde Sonen och Ungk[arl]. This means “farmer’s son, bachelor” – in other words, a member of the landowning estate and not a widower.

The page number reference for Olaf is 3. On that page, you find Olof with his wife Maria Eilittä on the (Niku)peteri farm.

During the time period in question, the communion books were often updated in per-hamlet batches, rather than kept up-to-date with every vital record. This means that a child who died under a year old was not necessarily entered in the communion books. You can find such a daughter to Olof using HisKi. Another example of the communion books lagging behind is that according to vital records, Olaf became farmer of Juopperi farm, but it wasn’t until after his death that his wife and son were transferred to the corresponding page. (The image file of page 5 with Juopperi seems not to have been transferred correctly to SSHY, but you can see it at

With HisKi, you can find the family was living on the Pesonen farm in Ylipaakkola hamlet, Tervola parish until at least 1818 ( The references to where people came from and where they went to are often patchy in the older communion books so some effort is needed.

Viestit: 7
Liittynyt: 14.01.2017 06:39

Re: Anders Johansson Pijppo 1803 Info

Viesti Kirjoittaja TWahl » 04.02.2017 05:54

Thank you for your help. I have used HisKi, but need to spend more time with it to trace them back further. I will spend more time with the books and search HisKi to continue my search.

Thank you again.

Viestit: 7
Liittynyt: 14.01.2017 06:39

Re: Anders Johansson Pijppo 1803 Info

Viesti Kirjoittaja TWahl » 12.02.2017 08:19

I was able to trace the family back. I was able to follow that line back to Johan Murto-Pesoinen born in 1697. Difficulties are now that there are no dates for these early communion records. I can find this family in 1742, but not before as the hand writing has changed which I am working on.

Thank you again for the help.

Viestit: 107
Liittynyt: 16.12.2010 11:04

Re: Anders Johansson Pijppo 1803 Info

Viesti Kirjoittaja Timo » 11.03.2017 20:28

I was hoping someone more familiar with the older style of handwriting would come to help. Here are my educated guesses for the page you linked, but take them with a grain of salt.

Note first that in addition to the Tervola communion books 1742–1755 and 1756–1771 being bound together (which was not uncommon), the pages are vertically divided into time periods, so that you have 1742–1748, 1749–1755,1756–1763 and 1763–1771. To make things difficult, the latter two periods are not aligned, so that on the same page you have two farms from different periods.

Tervola communion book 1742–1755, p. 47 (Öfver Paackola = Yli-Paakkola hamlet):

Koodi: Valitse kaikki

                 Joh[an] Pesonen
        h[ustru] Anna            död
g[am]l[e] gubben Hans            död
             son Hans                1 vice
             son Johan               1 vice
1 vice: first time [of communion]. Sometimes there were two separate books, a communion book for confirmed members of the congregation and a separate children’s book. It seems the children’s books for Tervola are missing.

gamle gubben: old man, probably meaning previous farmer.

With HisKi, you can find 12 man Hans Johanss[on] Pesoinen, died 1745-02-03 at age 79, which would seem to match with when the communion entries end. 12 man = tolvman = lay judge of a district court. Also from HisKi, Johan Pesoises h[ust]ru Anna Andersd[otte]r, died 1747-12-14 at age 37. One should be wary of the ages; if the communion books were missing birthdates then the death records might contain highly inaccurate estimates.

Tervola communion book 1742–1755, p. 47 (Öfver Paackola = Yli-Paakkola hamlet):

Koodi: Valitse kaikki

       Johan,       hærus
son    Hans
son    Johan
dito   Hendrich
dotter Margetha
d:r    Elin
d:r    Anna
d:r    Malin
pig[a] Bretha,      obiit
pig[a] Maria ???öm, obiit 1753 in Jan.
The word hærus was totally new to me, and looking for it online only yielded some books in Latin, no dictionary entries. Since you see it in many places in the book by the first man on the page, I would guess it means owner of the farm.

The birth years seem to be off in many cases on this page. On the other hand, in the book 1756–1771 most birthdates look like they have been checked from a primary source.

The family can be found in the same place in the previous communion books. Both farms Yli-Paakkola 4 and Yli-Paakkola 5 have been called Pesonen – probably they have been one estate in the distant past. The one we’re looking at is number 4 and has also been called Yli-Pesola (Öfver Pesola) and Hannus, while number 5 has been called Ala-Pesola (Neder Pesola), Ala-Pesonen and Pesola.

Viestit: 7
Liittynyt: 14.01.2017 06:39

Re: Anders Johansson Pijppo 1803 Info

Viesti Kirjoittaja TWahl » 12.03.2017 07:40

Who is:
pig[a] Bretha, obiit
pig[a] Maria ???öm, obiit 1753 in Jan.

I can find no Maria in the HisKi death records for 1753 in Tervolan.
And these don’t seem to match anyone in Johan’s family.

Johan Pesonen (born 1697) was married 3 times per HisKi, 1) Margaret Heinrichdaughter Pyttynen Married 02 Aug 1722, she died 03 Oct 1724 and had 2 children Walborg and Elin who both died young. 2) Elin Hansdaughter Ingilä married 05 Apr 1727 and she died 21 Jul 1733, and had 3 children Hans (1727 – 1794), Johan (1729 – 1764) and Margareta (1731 – 1774) 3) Anna Andersdaughter Wanha married 01 Dec 1734, and she died 14 Dec 1747 and had 8 children, Heinrich (1736 – 1736), Anders ( 1737 – 1742), Heinrich (1739 - ), Anna (1742/3 – 1742/3), Anna and Elsa (Twins 1743/44 - ), Magdalena (1745 - ) and Walborg (1746 – 1746).

1742 to 1748 ( ) matches as he is married to Anna and she died in Dec 1747. Hans, the father as you said, died in 1745. His sons Hans and Johan are now of age and take first communion and are shown.
1736 – 1741 ( ) Johan married to Anna with Hans (Father) and Margaretha (Mother who died 6 Jun 1740).
1726 – 1735 ( ) Hans and Margaretha, Johan is Married to Elin who died 21 Jul 1733, and I assume Anna last on the page is his new wife in 1735, as they married in Dec 1734.
I don’t know who the person between Elen and Anna is.

1713 – 1725 ( ) gets harder for me as the only Johan on the page is the second to last person, but his wife at that time should be Margaret Pyttynen which may be the person below him.
It is difficult for me to know with these early records who is married to who.
Hans and Margaretha, ??? died 1715, Margaretha died 1717, Olaf 27 Oct 1717, Anders?, Anna, Johan then Marg
I do not find Margaretha or Olaf in deaths for 1717 ( ).

1702 – 1712 ( ) Jöns & Britha (Both died in 1710) then Hans and Margaretha, Margaretha (Died 1707), ??? Died 1708, Mary, Heinrich, Anna.
Is the family on the next page related? It is also noted as Pesonen.

1694 – 1700 ( ) Jöns & Britha, then Hans (son), Margaretha (Sons wife?), Brigitta (Daughter), Margaretha, Eric?, Carin, Margaretha

Early family makeup is:
Hans Pesonen (b. Bef 1615 d. bef 1698)
Jöns Hansson Pesonen (1635 - 4 Mar 1710) & Britha (1640 - 18 May 1710)
Hans Johanss. Pesoinen (1666 - 3 Feb 1745) and Margaretha Henrichss Wanha (1662 - 6 May 1740)
Johan Pesonen (3 wives) (02 Oct 1697 - 21 Mar 1772)

Viestit: 107
Liittynyt: 16.12.2010 11:04

Re: Anders Johansson Pijppo 1803 Info

Viesti Kirjoittaja Timo » 12.03.2017 23:31

Piga: a kind of “farm maid”, hired help who performed tasks such as sewing, preparing food, milking cows etc.

Johan Johansson Murto was not the son of Hans Pesonen. The patronym, which you see on many vital records, indicates that his father was named Johan as well. When he comes to Yli-Pesola around 1727, he is referred to as sytningman. Sytning was a kind of contract where the elderly owner of a farm without an heir handed over ownership to someone else – a relative, or even someone unrelated – in exchange for residence and being provided for.

As for the origins of Johan Johansson Murto – I had no luck so far finding information about him before 1722. One trace that I followed was that until 1697 there is a Johan Murto living in Yli-Paakkola with his wife Walborg, and in 1718 the out-of-parisher “late Johan Tobiasson Murto’s wife Walborg Henriksdotter Härmä from Liminka” dies and is buried in Tervola. They may or may not be the parents of Johan Johansson.

Viestit: 7
Liittynyt: 14.01.2017 06:39

Re: Anders Johansson Pijppo 1803 Info

Viesti Kirjoittaja TWahl » 13.03.2017 04:51

I had not considered the patronym when looking at the family.
I do see that someone has posted on Geni ... 6678034278 that Johan Johansson Murto Pesonen's father is Johan Tobiasson Murdo-Pesonen, and mother is Walborg Josephsdr Härmä.
I sent an email to Sharon L Montgomery but she did not know the source of the info.
Based on the lack of any further information, I assume that this is about as far back as we can go.

Vastaa Viestiin