Translation help please

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Viestit: 33
Liittynyt: 12.01.2013 09:16

Translation help please

Viesti Kirjoittaja beg » 30.09.2013 01:42


Would someone be able to translate two words please from the 1862-1868 rippikirja for Kokkola. They relate to Matts Wilhelm LÖFMAN b.31 Mar 1847 (second to bottom entry)

Kokkola Rippikirja 1862-1868 - Kuva 143

The first word is in the Spörsmål column and looks like "Lindbt".

The second word is in the Födelse column and looks like "lyml something 5 1867". I think it relates to a remark made in Matt Wilhelm's Anmärkningar column in the 1869-1878 rippikirja.

Kokkola Rippikirja 1869-1878 - Kuva 133

I'm guessing it has something to do with his 1867 migration to Australia, mentioned in the following Application for Naturalisation.

Wilhelm LOFMAN - Application for Naturalisation

Any advice appreciated.


Viestit: 6
Liittynyt: 22.06.2013 16:17

Re: Translation help please

Viesti Kirjoittaja pekka » 01.10.2013 19:36

Could be as follows:

Sjöman Matts Wilhelm rymt ?/5 67, spörsmål Lindt X

Seaman Matts Wilhelm deserted (run off) ?/5 67,
questions: answers "easily" (I am not sure about this "Lindt")


Viestit: 1285
Liittynyt: 09.08.2006 00:16
Paikkakunta: San Jose

Re: Translation help please

Viesti Kirjoittaja jani » 01.10.2013 20:54

Most likely it means they used the Lindblomm catechism. Notice the Möller one a little higher up. Other catechisms that were in use were the old Gezelius one and the newer Svebelius one. Some texts mention Backmann and Cråbeg as well.
----- Jani Koski -----

Viestit: 33
Liittynyt: 12.01.2013 09:16

Re: Translation help please

Viesti Kirjoittaja beg » 02.10.2013 02:47

Thanks for that :-)

As long as rymt sort of implies that Matts Wilhelm left Kokkola I'm happy with that.

And thanks Jani for the info on the different cathechisms. There's nothing like local knowledge.


Can I ask one more associated question.

I can't find a marriage for Matt Wilhelm's parents, Abraham and Anna.

Here is Abraham's birth...

Abraham b.10 July 1802

And I'm reasonably sure this is Anna's birth...

Anna Margaretha b.20 Nov 1807

I've looked in the obvious places for a marriage (Kokkola, Kausteby and Mustasaari) and in the obvious timeframe (1830-1835) but have had no luck. Or more likely I've overlooked it.

I'm wondering if the note next to Anna's name in the following rippikirja means they were married in 1837 in Mala(?)

Kokkola Rippikirja 1855-1861 - Kuva 141 - Line 18

Any advice appreciated :-)


Viestit: 1285
Liittynyt: 09.08.2006 00:16
Paikkakunta: San Jose

Re: Translation help please

Viesti Kirjoittaja jani » 02.10.2013 03:12

Looks like Anna Greta died in 1858 and Abraham's new wife Maria Mattsdotter came to Kokkola from Malax (Maalahti) in 1837. I could be wrong though, since I'm not familiar with the markings in Kokkola books. It does say that Anna Greta was born in Mustasaari.
----- Jani Koski -----

Viestit: 33
Liittynyt: 12.01.2013 09:16

Re: Translation help please

Viesti Kirjoittaja beg » 02.10.2013 23:51

Hello Jani...

I had noticed the second wife but not made the connection to 1837. So thanks once again for your help.

Still haven't found the first marriage though. Something to look for another day.

All the best

Vastaa Viestiin